More, photos, comments and information of several of the tourdates in the second leg of the tour. (complete  tourschedule: see elsewhere on this website).

February 24th. -Lüneburg , Sportpark Kreideberg
Start of part two.

February 25th. – Itzehoe, Theater
 Gute Laune im Falsett  “The Italian Bee Gees” begeistern das Publikum im Theater mit dem Musical “Massachusetts”

Itzehoe......great show yesterday!!!!, © Danilo Chiarella
Dancers and actors of the Massachusetts show 2016, © Volkmar Konneke

February 27th. – Perleberg, Rolandshalle
Bee-Gees-Musical    Die Disco-Ära kehrt nach Perleberg zurück

Comment Andrew Mon Hughes
Andrew Mon Hughes travelled together with the team during the first 4 gigs of this part of the tour. A nice team of people but working and being on tour isn’t all glamour and can be hard work too, however….. music, and audience…. that keeps you on the road. A short comment of his few days on tour with Massachusetts.

Well, my little tour is over – it’s been great – so glad that Blue suggested that I come over and see one of the Italian Bee Gees shows in Germany. Never one for half measures, I decided to do four shows and live the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle that we all figure is so much fun. It is fun, especially with such a friendly cast and crew, but it’s only when you are with the 24/7 that you truly appreciate how hard a life it is. It’s not all glitz and glam – that’s what you see on stage for two hours – but there’s so much more to it than that. So, RESPECT to all of you for welcoming me into your fold for a week on the road. Thanks especially to The Italian Bee Gees: Pasquale, Davide (hope you’re feeling better) and Walter. Blue & Siggy and Dennis & Kate…. I nearly died laughing with you guys, please, never change! Bjorn, I really enjoyed your company, anything I can do to help in future you know where I am. Andreas the boss man: take care of this lot…. I know you will! And another Andreas, the tour bus driver, you have a precious cargo aboard, drive safe! Oh, and don’t forget to party when the bus turns 1,000,000km, which is only about 3,500 km away!
Good luck to you all for the rest of the tour you’re all amazing people!

Dennis Bryon and Andrew. © Andrew M. Hughes
Dennis, Andrew and Blue, after 4 days it's time to say goodbye to the other Welshmen. © Andrew Mon Hughes.
After the show February 28th. , a part of the team enjoys dinner, source: Massachustts Fabebook Page.

March 5th. Würzburg: Congress Centrum
Photo report  Würzburg  copyright A+D Wange (14 images)  
Message by Vince Melouney posted on Facebook March 8th. 2016
Hi there, I will be in Germany on the 11th and 13th of March and again in April as I am performing as a guest on the Italian Bee Gees tour/show ‘Massachusetts, the Story of The Bee Gees’. The 11th is in Erfurt: Messehalle and the 13th Frankfurt: Stadthalle, the April dates can be found on the website. I recently flew to Italy to meet with the Egiziano Brothers aka the Italian Bee Gees and their families. A wonderful time was had, we sang a few songs ate lots of Italian food, the guy’s showed me around this very interesting old town, I was really made to feel at home and I thank them for that. Hopefully see you at one of the Shows, will put up some posts along the way.
Till next time. Vince

March 9th. Aschaffenburg: Stadthalle am Schloss
Photo report  Aschaffenburg  copyright A+D Wange (4 images) 

On the way to Suhl with Vince Melouney on the tourbus. Source Massachusetts FB.

March 10th. Suhl: Congress Centrum

On the way to Suhl with Vince Melouney on the tourbus. Source Massachusetts FB.

Report Marion
Although we had no plans to visit the Massachusetts show in this second leg, there were several reasons why we suddenly DID decide to visit after all and….. what a wonderful few days we’ve had together with our friends in Suhl and Erfurt. Right after the long drive and our arrival in Suhl we met our Italian friends in the hotel with Vince Melouney…. I had never met Vince before but wow what a great guy to talk to. We’d been in touch be email and Facebook for several years already but so nice to finally meet eachother and to hear about Vince’s plans and musical ideas. I am certainly looking forward to his new album: His own arrangments of some wonderful BG music. Some first ideas of this new album you will be able to hear in the upcoming Massachusetts shows where Vince from now on will be part of, as guest. One big tribute to the Bee Gees Music over the years!! Time was flying when we talked and walked down memory lane. Later the afternoon we all went over to the hall for rehearsals and soundcheck, followed by a great show, a busy meet and greet and …….we all were right in time at the restaurant to sing Happy Birthday to Blue and Giovanni at 12 o clock at night !!

Photo report  Erfurt  copyright A+D Wange (13 images)  
Report Marion
A very long breakfast this morning talking with Vince Melouney and some others of the Massachusetts team. We all forgot that it was almost check out time and getting ready to move to the next location. The rest of the day we’d spend in Erfurt and at night after rehearsals and souncheck we saw the first Massachusetts show in which Vince did his guest appearance. First more or less appearing in a cloud and in a dream while the band together with Vince played ‘message’, and later on in the show Vince performed with The IBG songs like How Can You Mend A Broken Heart, And The Sun Will Shine, New York Minng Disaster and Words. At the end of the evening he played together with the band the last few songs as well. His second performance will be the one in Frankfurt and from April 6th. on Vince is part of the tour until the end. After concert and the first Meet and Greet with Vince, we all went for dinner and once again celebrated the 2 birthdays of today. Next morning after breakfast it was time for us to leave for Holland again and the team went on to the last location for this part of the tour, see you again soon, it was great.
Marion xxx

Comment from Blue Weaver about: Massachusetts.
Believe me this show is not just another tribute band playing Bee Gees songs with a few pictures behind. There has been a lot of time and effort put into this show to give entertainment and value. I am always amazed at how good and how sympathetically these 3 brothers and band perform, recreate and continue to give audiences the Bee Gees experience that myself, Dennis, Alan, Vince, Colin and all the other musicians that played on record and live performances enjoyed. Thank you Reset for having faith and making this production possible and let us never forget the Bee Gees for giving us all such wonderful music to play, listen and enjoy…

Soon Part 3

At breakfast again happy birthday wishes for Blue and Giovanni, source Massachusetts FB Page.
A very long breakfast this morning together with such a kind man: Vince Melouney. copyright A+D Wange