Andy Gibb in memory – 1958 – 1988


Dear Andy, you are so missed but your music keeps on going and we keep celebrating you.

On March 10th, 1988 Andy died at the John Radcliff hospital in Oxford, England from myocarditis, (an inflammation of the heart muscle caused by a viral infection).

Andy was buried at Forest Lawn – Hollywood Hills on March 21st. 1988.


Biography – About the Life of Andy, by Marion Adriaensen

Andrew Roy Gibb was born March 5th., 1958 in Manchester, England, the youngest of the Gibb Brothers. His mother was a singer, his father a drummer and the leader of a big band, and his three older brothers: the world famous Bee Gees

When Andy was six months old his family moved to Australia.

In 1967 in response to the rising popularity of the older Gibb sons Barry, Robin and Maurice, the Gibb family returned to England.

There, in a London suburb, Andy confronted for the first time both the English school system and his brothers` fans, who assembled daily outside the Gibb home.

After three years in England , it was time for another move.

-Marion / President Official Bee Gees Fan Club