Dear Members

In answer to many questions you have been asking me the past months:

About the new website

I try to keep as updated as possible on the News section of the new website  but as you can see, some other uploaded sections are not quite ready and corrected / adjusted yet. Also a number of other sections of my old website have not been switched over and uploaded here on the new website yet.

So I suggest in any case to also follow GSI via our Facebook group for all updates and articles including everything about our 2024 Bee Gees Fan Weekend.

For all Bee Gees info go to Facebook group:  

‘Brothers Gibb and Bee Gees info’  at     and for the tribute Italian Bee Gees band, ( my Italian friends) go to : ‘ITALIAN BEE GEES / FRATELLI EGIZIANO Fan Group (GSI)’ at:   


About all the fake Gibb accounts on Facebook. Just be aware that: there are hundreds of fake accounts of people who pretend to be ‘Barry Gibb’ or one of the other Gibb family members.

Pretending to be someone else is against the Facebook rules but unfortunately they hardly do anything against these imposters, it’s a shame. On my GSI Facebook group you’ll find 2 lists with all kinds of fake Gibb account links. So just a warning: only use the real accounts of our Gibb family members!!

I hope this will answer your questions.


Marion / President Official Bee Gees Fan Club 

( also to contact via: ).