Officially Hand Over Stamps
From D.J. Bernie Quayle of the Isle Of Man.
Here is a report about a meeting between members of the philatelic department of Man with the Bee Gees in New York, Last October 1999.
“Isle of Man Post Office Meets the Bee Gees”
Dot Tilbury and Janet Bridges from the philatelic department of the Isle of Man Post Office met up with the Bee Gees just before the Broadway premiere of SNF.

Dot Tilbury
A suite in the hotel where the brothers were staying was decorated with posters of the Isle of Man and of course, blow-ups of the stamps.
The purpose of the meeting was to officially hand over special sets of the stamps and take those much sought after photographs.
The display of stamps were hidden beneath a large Manx flag – when they were unveiled (Robin had already seen them at home in Thame) Maurice remarked “I’m absolutely knocked out.
“Barry said,” It’s more than a knock out Mo’, we’re all profoundly honoured.
“Hugs and kisses” then followed for Dot and Janet who were over the moon with the way the boys treated them.
The brothers posed for pictures along side the stamps as well as posters of the Isle of Man.
The “Waking Ned Devine” poster caught their attention, and as the movie was made in the Isle of Man, they wanted to be photographed with that.
Just before leaving to head off for the show, the brothers asked if they could have the displays and posters for the studio in Miami – Dot and Janet duly obliged. Barry then asked if he could be so bold as ask for the flag, he wanted it to display on a flagpole in his garden!
Dot and Janet met up with them again briefly at the theater.

The two Manx girls, who had never been to New York before, just could not believe that they were now walking on a red carpet, surrounded by celebrities (including John Travolta) and the press.
Inside the theater, they were amazed to see a giant poster advertising the Bee Gees Stamps – they were literally overwhelmed with emotion.
Dot and Janet felt so proud when the Bee Gees took their seats, the entire audience rose to their feet and welcomed them with thunderous applause.
We are all proud of the Brothers Gibb.