NEWS, December 20th.
The Joy Of The Bee Gees
Last night on BBC 4 was a perfect night for Bee Gees music lovers. First the pogram The Joy Of The Bee Gees followed by another BBC shows about The Bee Gees called: The Bee Gees at the BBC… and Beyond 2014, with their career shown in wonderful clips. Watch The Joy Of The Bee Gees at: Grammy Award for Bee Gees

We already mentioned it earlier: The Bee Gees will finally receive a Grammy. In a special ceremony on February 7th. Barry and the family of Maurice and Robin will receive The Lifetime Achievement Grammy for all of their work. The annual Grammy Award show will follow the day afterwards on February 8th.
More details when available.
Marion: GSI 12/20/14
NEWS, December 9th.
The Joy Of The Bee Gees

GSI already mentioned earlier about the special documentary BBC is going to air about The Bee Gees this year. The program is called: The Joy of the Bee Gees and will be aired on the British BBC Four at 9 pm on 19th Dec 2014. (local British Time!) This is be followed by an hour long compilation of Bee Gees’ performances and promos called Bee Gees at the BBC…and beyond – which features performances from 1967 up to 2001, including a recent discovery of World from Top of the Pops 1967, How Can You Mend A Broken Heart from Whittakers’s World Of Music 1972 to an acoustic of To Love Somebody from The Late Show 1994.
The contributors:
Barry Gibb
Alexis Petridis Music Journalist
Bill Oakes Former Head of RSO
Billy Gaff RSO Agent
Vince Melouney The 5th Bee Gee
John Lydon Fan
Guy Chambers Record Producer
Gary Brooker Procol Harum
Mykaell Riley Record Producer
Steve Levine Record Produce
r Ana Matronic Scissor Sisters
Mike Quinn Bee Gees’ Tour Compere 1968
Helen Walmsley-Johnson Journalist
Blue Weaver Bee Gees’ Musician
Mark Moore S’Express
Alan Jones Writer
Philip Pope The Heebeegeebees
(Thanks BBC: Dione Newton).
News,Radio Times review GSI Tips
Simon Henderson tells about Robin:
Marion: GSI 12/09/14
NEWS, November 14th.
Interview about 50 St. Catherine’s Drive
Dwina and RJ Gibb did an interview with Lorraine Kelly on ITV (British TV). A chat about 50 St. Catherine’s Drive etc. on 13 November 2014. See below (sorry but I believe ITV doesn’t let all foreign view this video)
Part of the interview on youtube:

Dutch local Radio about Robin Gibb
The local Dutch Radio station Radio Ridderkerk will be airing a Robin Gibb special on Sunday, November 16. from 17:00 until 18:00 hours. live via internet:
Nederlandse locale radio in Ridderkerk zendt Robin Gibb special uit: Zondag 16 November live via internet van 17:00 tot 18:00 uur:
(Thanks: I. v. Vliet) “In The Morning”: against cancer
Dutch commercial: stand up against cancer
Official release of the Bee Gees song “In The Morning” by Sabrina Starke: November 14.
To be seen live in the Dutch live TV show: Stand Up Against Cancer: November 19. Download at:

Marion: GSI 11/14/14
NEWS, October 16th.
Robin John Gibb to all fans:
‘Hello guys, this is a request to pass on the news of the release of 50 St. Catherine’s Drive to everyone and anyone you know or who is a fan. The PR needs this boost. As it stands the promotion is lacking and don’t even get me started on the reasons why. So I thought who better than the loyal fans to get behind my father’s final work to try and give it the recognition it deserves. Saturday Night Fever had no advertisement and it was only word of mouth that shot it to blockbuster status, if you want to help in the same vein then start spreading the news. Also I have an extensive amount of my own music to publish and of work myself and my father created together so if there are any agents, good PR officers and pluggers, then now is the time to rear your head,
I would love to hear from you,
Best wishes’.
Marion: GSI 10/16/14
NEWS, October 9th.
RJ and Dwina live on Sunrise Morning Australia!
BeeGees’ family members have released Robin Gibb’s last solo album two years after his death. Listen to interview of Australian TV with Dwina and RJ Ribb.
Marion: GSI 10/09/14
NEWS, October 6th.
German interviews with Dwina and RJ Gibb
Last week some good interviews with Dwina and RJ. appeared in German magazines. We of course posted the articles on website and facebook page and we try to be able to soon publish an English translation too. For the people who cannot understand the German text: just a few of the mentioned facts: Dwina still cherishes all the letters and presents she received after Robin’s death and everything is the same as at the moment Robin left the Prebendal for the last time. It’s like Robin is still there. His clothes, books, glasses and hat are still at the place Robin left them.
Often fans come to their village to watch Robin’s grave and take a look at the Heritage Foundation Plaque for Robin on the wall of their house.
His desire always was to go back on stage with Barry and record with him but Dwina said that after the death of Maurice they both found it so hard to cope with the sudden situation and each of them expressed this in another way. Barry just almost locked himself up and couldn’t do anything for a long time as Robin needed to go on stage right away and sing and tour. After some years they felt like working together again but this first was impossible because of Barry’s serious hearing problem. After Barry had surgery and was okay again unfortunately Robin was already ill and so they never made it back on stage again.
The last song Robin worked on was ‘Sydney’, he worked on the song in his bedroom with his keyboard. The idea was to compose it together with Barry. There was no time left to do so. Dwina said the song appreared on the CD the way Robin had worked on it so far, just the demo version and she mentioned whenever Barry feels like it, he can finish it.
RJ. tells about him and his father working on the Titanic Project and that still lots of material is not used and there still are so many unfinished plans for this project.
Other plans are for instance to release a Dance version of the song ‘Juliet’ and there are plans for a musical like the ‘Jersey Boys’ musical with specially a lot of Robin’s solo material. Next to that there still is the family plan for the Bee Gees musical (we also reported about that earlier) but this is a project for the three involving families to decide on.
Then Dwina still has a plan of writing a book about Robin’s life, a biography as the family has countless tapes of conversations inwhich Robin talks about his life.
One of Robin’s favorite places at home was: sitting on the terrace with his dogs and drinking tea.
Before he died he decided he wanted to visit Australia one more time for shows and to visit his sister Lesley, so he did and they had a special time together.
At the end of his life Robin started to get interested in flying. He even had a flight simulator in his house and he also more and more prefered to fly to appointments by helicopter. (not flying himself of course).
Shortly before Robin died Barry and family came to visit him in the hospital as well and Barry was really shocked to see Robin the way he was. They still had a chance to talk.
For Dwina and family it was too soon after Robin’s death to go and visit Barry’s concerts which he recently did in honour of his brothers, but Barry understood this Dwina explained.
Marion: GSI 10/06/14
NEWS, September 27th.

Finally the Robin Gibb solo album we’ve all been waiting for so long is ready and released around these days in most countries. It’s a beautiful collection of songs he worked on in the last part of his life and with help of son RJ and assistance of wife Dwina this album could finally be released. Along with the album the website is up and running againat: September 29 will be a special day for promoting the album when Dwina and RJ will be giving interviews etc. Limited Edition of Robin’s album

The Isle of Man Post Office partnering together with Robin Gibb’s widow Dwina Gibb and Warner/Reprise Records to release a unique limited edition collection which combines the CD of Robin’s final solo album, 50 St Catherine’s Drive, together with an Isle of Man Post Office limited edition DVD and a full set of Robin Gibb stamps with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Dwina Gibb. More info: (PDF)

The Buried Treasure Of Robin Gibb
By Tim Roxborogh. http://roxboroghreport Paul and Barry
A new album by Paul McCartney is called The Art Of McCartney. It is a very special project celebrating the songs of Sir Paul McCartney and all kinds of celebrities sing his work on this album including Barry Gibb: When I’m 64. Barry Gibb concerts
Although there are plans of doing more concerts and there are even rumours of shows coming up we have to announce you that at the moment nothing concerning preparations for a new tour is going on yet. We do not expect new concerts before later next year, due to too many other projects and logistics involved. Not to say that Barry is doing nothing but live shows are not in the works right now. When more news becomes available about his plans for next year we will report about it of course. The Bee Gees Legend Goes On
A visit to Dwina Gibb, 2 years after Robin’s death.
(article in German)
Marion: GSI 09/27/14
NEWS, September 11th.
Barry Gibb tribute to Paul McCartney
Barry Gibb and many other artists artists will sing their favorite Paul McCartney songs on The Art of Paul McCartney, a massive tribute project due this fall. The album will be released Nov. 18. Barry will sing the song: When I’m 64 The compilation will be available in a variety of formats, ranging from standard 34-track CD, vinyl and digital releases to extravagant 42-track deluxe sets with hardbound books, a DVD documentary about the making of the comp and more, depending on the edition. This tribute album has been a long time in the making. The track “When I’m 64” was cut by the Paul McCartney tribute album producers, using certain McCartney band members in LA. Barry’s vocals were recorded at his Miami home studio in 2009 (when he was 63). Barry did answer a few questions on camera at the time and was filmed recording his vocals some which will be used to promote the album and probably will be included on a bonus DVD. I Am The World
First single of Robin’s album 50 St. Catherine’s Drive. I Am The World has been added to the bbc radio 2 playlist. It enters on the C list so it’s pivotal it climbs up to B and A status over the next two weeks. Maybe fans that manage to catch it on radio could try leave some positive feedback for the dj/programme in question … (Most shows have an email addy)
Concerning promotion of the new album; Given that in this situation there is sadly not an artist to help promote this album, the promo activities are understandably different than with a living, active artist but Robin’s wife Dwina and his son RJ are doing interviews in various countries, mostly for German publications so far. In the UK, Dwina & RJ will be doing a day of media on Sept 29th – the release date of the album. More info when things for UK and other countries are confirmed. 3rd Annual “Haute Tea” of Love And Hope
The Young Society of Love and Hope will host their 3rd Annual “Haute Tea” at The St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort on Friday, September 12, 2014. The event will feature a delicious lunch, champagne, silent auction and prizes to the finest hats! This year’s event will be honoring Linda Gibb, who serves along side her husband, Barry, as International Chairmen of “Love and Hope”. This fun and unique afternoon is designed to bring women together while increasing awareness about diabetes and the cure-focused work of the Diabetes Research Institute.
More about this event on GSI soon The Joy Of The Bee Gees
Around Christmas time The British BBC will air a Bee Gees program called: The Joy Of The Bee Gees, with amongst others interviews with people who worked with the brothers like Blue Weaver. Barry has not done a new interview for this show but has given permission for them to use any existing previously approved footage that they can clear / wish to use. They have produced just one similar program previously called “The Joy of Abba” which also aired around Christmas last year. Robin Gibb – A songwriter and singer
Bio for the album: “’50 ST. CATHERINE’S DRIVE'”
Click here for PDF file. 50 St. Catherine’s Drive
The release dates (update) Sept 29th in UK and Sept 30th in the US. In Germany Sept. 26. and Warner Music Japan confirmed the Japanese release on October 22 with a bonus track: “All That I Cherish” (demo).
CD Japan:
Amazon Japan:
HMV Japan: GSI Tips
* The roots of The Bee Gees: The Isle Of Man
* Producers: The Bee Gees, Albhy Galuten, Karl Richardson
* The Bee Gees on the Midnight Specials Days of Wine and Roses
Another composition from Robin’s album: 50 St. Catherine’s Drive 2014, Listen here New Website Robin Gibb
Marion: GSI 09/11/14
(thanks also Dick Ashby, Robin Hurley)
NEWS, July 30th.
50 St. Catherine’s Drive
New Robin album coming soon.
Hear Robin Gibb’s Solo Take on Bee Gees’ “I Am the World”: Premiere Read:
The album will be officially announced at 3pm GMT tomorrow (Thursday July 31s).
The release date is Sept 29th in UK and Sept 30th in the US. In Germany Sept. 26. and Warner Music Japan confirmed the Japanese release on October 22 with a bonus track: “All That I Cherish” (demo).
Press release: soon on GSI
Marion: GSI 07/30/14
(with special thanks Robin Hurley)
NEWS, July 28th.
More plans for Bee Gees Way at Redcliffe
Even councillors have not seen the final plans yet of stage 2 of Bee Gees Way Bee Gees Way is a popular tourist attraction in Redcliffe. Stage two of the project is expected to be finished in February or March next year. Barry will come across (for the opening), whether he’s having a concert or not. He’s extremely excited about it.
Read whole story at:
Marion: GSI 07/28/14
NEWS, July 13th.
Bee Gee in surprise comeback with posthumous album
Robin’s solo album will be out soon.
Dwina: “It will be out in the autumn and is called 50 St Catherine’s Drive, after the first house he lived in on the Isle of Man,” discloses Robin’s widow. “He started it when he thought he and Barry [Gibb] would get back together and it would be a joint album, but then he realised he was ill and so he decided to do it on his own. I think it will please a lot of people; I’m very proud of it, as I am of all his achievements.”
Marion: GSI 07/13/14
NEWS, July 4th.
Barry Gibbs talks in Rolling Stone magazine
The last brother looks back, by Josh Eells.
Read the interview at:

© Peter Yang
GSI Tips
Bee Gees – Jive Talkin’, 1975 – Live on Mike Douglas Show
The Bee Gees – Nights On Broadway – The Midnight Special 1975
Marion: GSI 07/04/14
NEWS, July 1st.
“The Tonight Show”
US Television.
Tuesday, July 1: Guests include Hugh Jackman, Jimmy Page and musical guest BARRY GIBB with The Roots. The Voice winner Josh Kaufman sits-in with The Roots. GSI Tips
Interview Bee Gees
Bee Gees 1968 Ideas German Television
Marion: GSI 07/01/14
NEWS, June 9th.
Race for Life
Help the Bee Gees cousins Heather and Justine Gibb!! The preacher talked to me and he smiled Said, “Come and walk with me” come and walk one more mile well 3 1/2 miles actually. On June 22nd Heather and Justine Gibb will be taking part in the pretty muddy race for life in memory of Robin. please help us to raise as much as possible so that more people are Staying Alive.
Marion: GSI 06/09/14
NEWS, June 6th.
Barry Gibb concert Hollywood Bowl
June 4th: a beautiful day and a sold out Bowl with lots of fans and many celebrities to celebrate The Bee Gees music together with Barry. Amongst the audience were people like: Vince Melouney, Ana Gazzola, Olivia Newton-John, Peter Noone, Peter Foldy, Barry Manilow, Graham Bonnet, David Leaf, Andrew Sandoval etc. Barry before this last show of his US Tour: This is crazy! Never thought I’d do a show at the Hollywood Bowl! Excited, Nervous, Ready. It was a good thing to see Sam next to Barry again during the Hollywood Bowl concert, feeling well enough to perform again.

© Anne Jakowenko
Videos Nights On Broadway
Island in the stream
Comment from Steve Gibb
I am truly blessed beyond belief to be a part of such a joyous situation. I have much love and gratitude for everyone one associated with #thebarrygibbmythologytour. Last nights show at the #hollywoodbowl will be a night I cherish for the rest of my life. Along with all of the shows we’ve done so far. Thank you to all the friends/fans that show up to share the experience with my family, the whole band, our incredible crew & I . We love and appreciate every minute.
Reviews of some celebrities Music expert and former chart editor of Billboard Fred Bronson: Tonight I came down with Night Fever. Saw Barry Gibb at the Hollywood Bowl. Great show and a loving tribute to his three brothers… Barry Gibb was incredible and 19,000 people remembered why they love the Bee Gees.
Tennis star and winner of more 109 singles titles Jimmy Connors: Barry Gibb At Hollywood Bowl– SUPERSTAR– what an evening.
Televisión host Bill Maher: With one of the greatest musical geniuses ever before his show at the bowl. Hail Barry Gibb!
Barry Manilow: Barry Gibb rocks the Hollywood Bowl
More reviews Part 3 of the Mythology Tour is over, but Barry said he’d like to perform more and it is obvious that also his fans want to see him on stage soon again. We’ll see what happens and for sure GSI website and facebook will keep you up te date about all of Barry’s future plans. Soon I’ll post some reports of this US Mythology tour with: comments, stories, photos and videos.
Merchandise Robin John Gibb

A new website and soon more details about the near future about Robin´s and Robin John´s music.
Robin John Gibb, son of Robin, has developed into a unique composer and performer in his own right. It is without apology that he displays many of his fathers musical traits such as an ear for a melody and a hook. However the full extent of that and his own considerable musical prowess was hugely evident during the composing and subsequent recording of the Warner Music released ‘The Requiem For Titanic 2012’. During the recording sessions held over a number of months at Air Studios in North London with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, his significant contribution in the collaboration with Robin can never be underestimated. And while there can only be a sense of regret that we will never be able to enjoy further work from them since Robin’s death in 2012, mere weeks after the Premiere of The Requiem, we can be consoled in the knowledge there is so much more to come from RJ. Ever the prolific writer, RJ is currently working on a series of projects including a ‘Memoriam For World War 1’ and a ‘pop’ album all due over the next 12 months.
Look out for further information in due course…
Marion: GSI 06/06/14
(thanks also: Michael Garbutt)
NEWS, May 26th.
Barry’s interview for CBS TV
Interview with Anthony Mason, aired Sunday May 25th. TV Germany
Bee Gees on German TV: ZDFkultur – 26/05/2014, 20.15 – and : 27/05/2014, 01.10 am Barry about his solo tour Barry Gibb brings solo tour to Bay Area
Concert Concord, May 31. interview:
Marion: GSI 05/26/14
NEWS, May 22nd.
Dwina Gibb’s letter to GSI
In loving memory of Robin.
‘Dear Marion,
– It is a sad week full of poignant memories for our immediate family and the Clan Gibb. We will always miss Robin, especially his humour in the house and the wonderful creativity at any time of the day or night.
– The stone on Robin’s grave will be placed soon. We apologise to friends and fans that it has taken so long, a circumstance of hindrance beyond our control, but the result will be simple, unique and worth the wait.
– The album 50 St. Catherine’s Drive is almost ready for a Summer or Autumn release. The songs are brilliant and beautiful.
– Baby Maxwell at ten months is crawling and trying to walk, saying little words and smiling all the time…such a happy baby.
– R-J is working on his music for an album. I love how eclectic he is with composition, from pop and R&B, to classical, to jazz, to house and film scores.
– I am writing a second play: another comedy, and I have finished another Regency novel which will be available soon called The Lady’s Dilemma’.
Read the complete letter at: “Robin In Loving memory” – Tribute To A Songbird Barry at Fallon Tonight
Yesterday night Barry did a live performance at the Tonight Show with the house band of the program: The Roots, US television.

Photo by: Douglas Gorenstein/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

at Fallon Tonight
Video: More to read about Barry’s US tour
Barry Gibb at 54th Street, N.Y.C.
Marion: GSI 05/22/14
(with special thanks: Dwina Gibb).
NEWS, May 21st.
Barry Gibb concert Philadelphia
May 19th. Barry gave the second of his 6 concerts, this one in Philadelphia.
The intro of the band
Comment from Barry
At one point during the concert tonight in Philadelphia, Barry says “Is this the city of brotherly love?” Everyone cheered. He then says “I know all about that”.
Some videos
* With The Sun In My Yyes
* I Started A Joke
Some reviews
Kimberley Nolder: My review of the show last night… Words just cannot do it justice
More on GSI Reports, Mythology Tour USA

Barry and Beth Cohen in Philly, © Anne Jakowenko.
Marion: GSI 05/21/14
NEWS, May 16th.
Barry Gibb Concert Boston

It was amazing……, the time of our lives….. so many fans are reporting 24/7 through GSI face book at the moment with messages, photos and video recordings about their experiences of visiting Barry’s concert last night in Boston. Thanks for all your comments and material, keep them coming!!
Here some first views:
* Show start and Jive Talking, Boston 15-5-14
* Barry with Bruce Springsteen hit I”m On Fire”
* Compilation of songs: Barry, Sam, Steve, Beth: Boston
News paper reviews
Comment from Tim Roxborough Barry Gibb’s Boston Setlist: A Springsteen Cover, Bee Gees Songs Never Performed Live Before And Hit After Hit http://roxboroghreport
Photos: Getty Images, Boston
More on GSI Reports, Mythology Tour USA

© A. Jakowenko
The US Mythology Tour on GSI
As a memory to this US tour GSI will soon post all reports and photo reports of Anne Jakowenko, Debbi Allison (and maybe others) on GSI website, as well as soundcheck and fan gathering stories etc. like with the first 2 Mythology Tours on GSI, as a precious memory for all fans. For the moment we follow the tour on facebook and give little updates on the website too, enjoy…. to everyone going to the US Barry Concerts!
Marion: GSI 05/16/14
NEWS, May 5th.
Paul McCartney and Barry Gibb together on one album
This will happen on a tribute album called: The Art Of McCartney According to Arctic Poppy Records, ‘The Art Of McCartney’ will be a double-album to be released during 2014. A box set and collectors edition will be available during the summer of 2014 with the album scheduled for release in the fall. Barry Gibb will be one of the artists. Hollywood Diary, hanging out with Bee Gee Barry
By Ross King. Read story at: GSI Tip
Video: ??Maurice Gibb Interview Retro Rewind
Marion: GSI 05/05/14
NEWS, April 22nd.
Johnny Cash house sold
According to The Tennessean, Nashville’s daily newspaper Barry and Linda Gibb have sold Johnny and June Carter Cash’s former home in Hendersonville, Tenn., for $2 million.
Read whole story at:
Marion: GSI 04/22/14
NEWS, April 17th.
Jared & The Mill
Barry Gibb has chosen Jared & The Mill as the opening act of his U.S. tour. It’s a Phoenix-based band. Barry;” The band is -fantastic- !! I think everyone will love them and they will add the perfect element to the whole show.” See also story at:

Fairsea passenger lists with The Gibb Family go online
In 1958 The Gibb Family set sail for Australia. Fairsea passenger lists show the Gibb family, including future Bee Gees Barry, Maurice and Robin, travelled third class from Southampton to make a new life in Australia. Also aboard for instance was Red Symons, future lead guitarist of Skyhooks and the parents of Kylie Minogue etc.
Read all at: Love and Hope Ball
Report and some photos of this sold out 40th. anniversary where Barry rocks again. GSI Tips
* Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson For Bee Gees performance go to: 34.15 min.
* ‘The Boss’ singing Bee Gees on his 2014 Australian tour
Marion: GSI 04/17/14
NEWS, March 29th.
Some updates from Miami Beach, management.
* The rehearsals for the North America part of the Mythology tour will start early May.
* A support act hasn’t been chosen yet.
* No more shows added at this time to the 6 already confirmed in the US.
* No definite decision yet about a DVD release after the Mythology Tour has completely ended.
* Barry’s plans for after the Mythology Tour of this year: using his new studio and probably release new material.
* Plans for 2015 not known yet at the moment.
* Some upcoming TV appearances: CBS Sunday Morning: airs May 18 The Tonight Show: May 21. Barry is set to perform on “The Tonight Show: Starring Jimmy Fallon” and he will once again be performing with the show’s house band “The Roots” with his own Musical Director Doug Emery on Keyboards and Son Stephen Gibb on Guitar.
* Barry is not using his new studio until after the North America tour. Steve is using studio now putting down some demos of his own material.
Marion: GSI 03/29/14 (thanks Dick Ashby)
NEWS, March 19th.
Musician Joe Lala has died
Joe Lala, regarded as one of the greatest musicians to come out of Tampa for his drum work a generation of rock’s top performers, died at a hospital Tuesday morning at 66 of complications from lung cancer.
He worked with The Bee Gees for quite some years and also was one of the musicians during their successful Spirits Tour in 1979.

Marion: I specially remember him from the Spirits Tour, North America, 1979 when I followed the group on tour for 6 weeks.
R.I.P. Joe Lala
Linda Gibb: God Bless Joe LaLa, RIP. Great memories, laughs, silliness, you will be missed by so many. Thank you for being part of our lives…Now you can make the angels laugh…xxxxx (source: facebook)
Blue Weaver: a great percussionist, he played a great part on so many records and performances. Our Bee Gees tracks and the Spirits Having Flown tour would not have been the same without him. I bet him and his egg shaker are grooving up there right now. R.I.P Joe…(source facebook) The Spirits Tour of 1979
Marion: GSI 03/19/14
NEWS, February 25th.
Vote for the Bee Gees, part 2!!
It’s down to Queen or OUR BEE GEES……let’s show them who is the BEST ICONIC BAND….VOTE!!! In previous poll, the bands with the higher number of votes have been Queen (2077 votes) and Bee Gees (1784 votes). They are both legendary groups that started in 70’s and they still have a big number of followers. Now you have to choose: Bee Gees or Queen? What’s your favourite band?
The poll will be closed on 02/28/2014
TIP: use different browsers like Internet Explorer, Google chrome, Mozilla etc. and with your: desktop, laptop, tablet, iphone…. and you can vote many times a day…… Press Release!!!
THE BEE GEES: 1987-1991 The Warner Bros. Years Five-Disc Set Includes Three Studio Albums, Rare Demos And Outtakes, Plus The Debut Of The Entire One For All Concert, Available From Warner Bros. Records on April 15.
Click here for pdf of press release.
Also read:
Marion: GSI 02/25/14
NEWS, February 21th.
Vote for The Bee Gees
Vote at: Sometimes you can vote more than once, so try daily at least once!! After the best female icon and best male icon, you can vote now for your favourite iconic band! The 2 bands with the higher number of votes will reach the final duel!
The poll will be closed on Monday 2/24! GSI Tips
A German TV documentary of almost 4 hours about the careers and lives of The Brothers Gibb. Inculding new interview material with Barry, and interview with special guests former BG band member Blue Weaver and The three Egiziano Brothers (a.k.a. Italian Bee Gees).
Bee Gees The Warner Brothers Years.

The Bee Gees are one of the most successful pop groups of all time. Started in 1959 by brothers Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb the trio ranks near the top of the list of best-selling music artists and has earned every honor imaginable, including multiple Grammy® awards and induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Bee Gees signed with Warner Bros. Records in 1987 and released three remarkable studio albums E.S.P., One, and High Civilization. This creative burst from The Brothers Gibb is remembered with a five-disc collection that includes all three studio albums, along with a selection of rare demos and outtakes. Also included is One For All, a 1989 concert recording available in its entirety for the first time. This 22-track live set has been newly mixed by Barry Gibb and John Merchant for a state-of-the-art sound that is the closest you can get to being there live.
Marion: GSI 02/21/14
NEWS, February 16th.
40th. Love and Hope Event
Yesterday Barry has been performing again on the yearly Love and Hope Ball. On the GSI Facebook page you have been able to read some first comments and see lots of photos/videos etc. and in the coming days GSI website will of course also post several articles about the rehearsals, the fan gathering and the Ball itself etc. Below a first photo taken by Anne Jakowenko who will also write the reports. So watch for more about “Love and Hope”!
Anne LaValle Jakowenko:
From this writer’s perspective, I am privileged to write about Barry Gibb for GSI and fans worldwide. Story about the Ball itself coming soon…

Barry at Love and Hope (rehearsals)
GSI tips
Some articles
* Vinyl Cave: Dollar bin diving with the Bee Gees on Life in a Tin Can, Mr. Natural and Main Course.
* Andy Gibb Remembered As Caring Man.
Marion: GSI 02/16/14
NEWS, February 10th.
Barry Gibb management tickets
Earlier posts on ordering management tickets through GSI herewith are cancelled!!
The past 2 weeks we’ve been able to already help a lot of people to get a POSSIBILITY of obtaining special management tickets for the Barry Gibb North America concerts.
This feels so good!
Management reserved these tickets specially for those fans living a long distance away from any venue. There are a limited number of good seats available to purchase for fans travelling from Europe or anywhere from outside the U.S., or fans travelling long-distance within the U.S. They are all center-section tickets for the first three rows. However, only a limited amount of tickets are available and nothing can be guaranteed at this point. All we can say is that we will put you on the request list.
The tickets will be around $200 each. If you are living a LONG DISTANCE AWAY and interested in obtaining a management ticket then write me a mail with info (see below) and you will be placed on a reserve list in case there are still some special management tickets left. mail me:
1. The name/ names of people attending (the names like mentioned on your official ID)
2. The city and country you live in
3. Amount of tickets,
4. For which venue
5. And your email address
(Subject: US tickets Barry Gibb)
Regular ticket sale at: and
These sites also give you info on sale dates, normal prices, venue info etc.
Marion: GSI 02/10/14
NEWS, January 28.
Concert tickets for Barry Gibb’s
“Mythology Tour”, North America, update
GSI facebook members living outside Europe who have contacted me for the special management tickets can be put on a reserve list. I’ll try to help you and will forward the requests for tickets and possible sound check passes to management. They then will decide whether or not tickets for you still will be available. (register on facebook if you are no facebook member of GSI yet and search for the GSI page: GSI, Brothers Gibb and Bee Gees info: click the button to become member).
If you are interested mail me:
1. the name/ names of people attending
2. the country you live in
3. amount of tickets,
4. for which venue
5. and your email address
(subject: US tickets Barry Gibb)
There still are only a limited number of tickets available for each show. I cannot promise a thing but I will let you know then a.s.a.p. if you will be amongst the lucky ones!! If interested send me your mail with request right away!! I’ll soon forward the lists to management!!! For European fans the special offer still is on too!! see also earlier announcement on News: January 30th. Robin-John Gibb
I’ll be back in the studio this week to polish off my father’s album and to forge ahead with my own album. I’ll be posting some interesting videos soon so keep an eye out. all the best
Marion: GSI 02/02/14
NEWS, December 20th.
Barry Gibb in Jimmy Fallon Show

Some clips from the shows:
* Barry Gibb and Jimmy Fallon
* Barry Gibb and Jimmy Fallon sing the Everly Brothers After Jimmy hands Barry a guitar, the two harmonize on some classic Everly Brothers songs, including “Dream.”
* To Love Somebody
* You Should Be Dancing Barry on the show of Piers Morgan
* Tour Info GSI
Marion: I’m in touch with Dick Ashby/management and will update news on the tour and tickets etc. when I have confirmed news to publish. Sorry I cannot answer you all in time and personally but keep an eye on GSI facebook and GSI website !!! Everyone should first try and get seats a.s.a.p. through the traditional channels!: – ticket master- GSI will report about the whole tour and there might be possibilities for fan gatherings in the venue cities, more later.
Marion: GSI 01/28/14
NEWS, January 26th.
Mythology Tour, North America
January 26th. Miami Beach: The Tour dates and on sale dates for part 3 of the Mythology Tour (North America), will be announced at noon tomorrow (January 27th.) New York time. Check : Everyone should try and get seats a.s.a.p. through the traditional channels! (
Marion: More info for instance for overseas fans on GSI website and all GSI facebook members: later. Only if and when available.
Keep an eye on GSI.
(thanks, Dick Ashby)
05/15/14 Boston, MA TD Garden
05/19/14 Philadelphia, PA Wells Fargo Center
05/23/14 Wantagh, NY Nikon at Jones Beach Theater
05/27/14 Chicago, IL United Center or Allstate Arena
05/31/14 Concord, CA Concord Pavilion
06/04/14 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Bowl
Marion: GSI 01/26/14
NEWS, January 18th.
Vince Melouney interview
As a lead guitarist of the Aztecs behind Billy Thorpe he enjoyed his first glimpse of fame, but a few years later when he met the three Gibb brothers he joined the Bee Gees and found himself in England playing with them when they first hit the big time.
Hear his story: Bee Gees Fan reunion in Australia
There will be a Bee Gees fan reunion on the Bee Gees Way in Redcliffe, Australia on February 14 until 16 – 2014. This will be organised by Bee Gees Fan Club Australia (facebook page) Vince Melouney and band is planning to play at the RSL in Redcliffe and they organised Mahmood Kahn, (a singer, BG fan and friend of Dick Ashby) to tell his tales of meeting the Gibb’s at Criteria Studios etc.
More details soon and also visit:
Marion: GSI 01/18/14 (thanks also S. Hagger)
NEWS, January 5th.
New Year
I wish all visitors of GSI website and GSI Face book Group a: wonderful 2014!!
I’ll try and update a.s.a.p. when there’s latest news concerning Barry’s tour, the plans for Robin’s material to be released etc. etc. To answer many of your recent mails: I have received lots of requests to help you getting ticketssound check passes for one of the upcoming shows of Barry but at the moment I have no details on that, sorry. I hope this time there will again be a possibility for fans to visit sound checks as during last concerts there was an urgent request by the Gibb Family and management to: not publish any photo material before the end of the tour, early October but unfortunately one person did post photos of the Dublin sound check on Face book much too early. We hope this won’t mean that this time Gibb Family/management decides – not to give fans a visit to the sound checks -!. I’ll keep you posted. By also becoming member of GSI on Face book you’ll hear from me at once when I know more.
I’ll do my best.
Marion/GSI xxxRobin and Robin John’s unreleased material
Red Bus Recording Studios: “We’re paying tribute to Robin Gibb at the studio today and we have R J Gibb with us, with Savvas Iosifidis to master his unreleased tracks”. (Red Bus Recording Studios, London, United Kingdom). Looking forward to the album and GSI keeps you updated.

Bee Gees on German Vox TV
Last year and around New year the German station Vox aired a special 4 hours documentary about the career of The Bee Gees with recent interviews of Barry, former BG keyboard player Blue Weaver and The Italian Bee Gees (The 3 Egiziano Brothers). For the fans who haven’t been able to see the program on German tv try this link: Gees again on German TV: Arte
Date:January 18th. 2014
Program title: Bee Gees: Brüder im Discofieber Germany TV Station: Arte TV, 21.45 hours (60 min.) on Twitter
Barry Gibb @GibbBarry
Spending the evening with Paul McCartney was very spiritual and he was so kind to my kids. Second time we’ve met, I hope it’s not the last time. He is my hero. Thank you everyone at SNL.GSI Tips.
Bee Gees – Intro, Promise The Earth 2001
Marion: GSI 01/05/14
NEWS, December 18th.
The Recording Academy announces Special Merit Awards!!

The Recording Academy ( announced its Special Merit Awards recipients today, and this year’s honorees are amongst others: THE BEE GEES! and George Harrison. “This year we pay tribute to exceptional creators who have made prolific contributions to our culture and history,” said Recording Academy President/CEO Neil Portnow. “It is an honor and a privilege to recognize such a diverse group of talented trailblazers, whose incomparable bodies of work and timeless legacies will continue to be celebrated for generations to come.” The Bee Gees, comprising of brothers Barry, Maurice* and Robin Gibb*, were one of the most successful groups in pop history with hits such as “Stayin’ Alive,” “How Can You Heal A Broken Heart” and “How Deep Is Your Love.” The trio’s contributions to the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack made it one of the best-selling soundtracks of all time, selling more than 15 million copies in the United States and garnering the group four GRAMMYs, including Album Of The Year and Producer Of The Year. *Denotes posthumous. Established in 1957, The Recording Academy is an organization of musicians, songwriters, producers, engineers and recording professionals that is dedicated to improving the cultural condition and quality of life for music and its makers. Internationally known for the GRAMMY AWARDS – the preeminent peer-recognized award for musical excellence and the most credible brand in music – The Recording Academy is responsible for groundbreaking professional development, cultural enrichment, advocacy, education and human services programs. The Academy continues to focus on its mission of recognizing musical excellence, advocating for the well-being of music MAKERS and ensuring music remains an indelible part of our culture.
Grammy Awards: Sunday, February 8th. 2015!!
More at: GSI Tip
BEE GEES with Cilla Black
Marion: GSI 12/18/14
NEWS, November 30th.
The Joy Of The Bee Gees
TV documentary (60 minutes) and tribute about The Bee Gees on BBC 4 in Britain, first planned for Boxing Day will now be aired Friday, December 19th. BBC 4. 9 pm. (British Time!).
Watch online:
Included with interviews of people who’ve worked with The Bee Gees, like amongst others Blue Weaver.
Marion: GSI 11/30/14
NEWS, November 20th.
“Love and Hope Ball” 2015
Many of you asked about latest news concerning the 2015 Love and Hope Event and will Barry perform with the band…… As of now it looks like: Barry, Sam and Steve will not be performing with the Mythology Band next February. I have not much details yet but if plans should change and more info becomes available I’ll of course let you know through the GSI website. GSI Tips
Bee Gees Songwriters Workshop
Bee Gees dominate in the hits of the 1970s
Bee Gees back in 1968, Switzerland
Marion: GSI 11/20/14 (Thanks Carlos Guzman)
NEWS, October 21st.
All that I cherish
A demosong / bonus track on the Japanese CD (Japanese release date of Robin’s CD: October 22nd.)
When we first sat down with the representative of the estate of Robin Gibb and discussed the possibility of a bonus track for the Japanese edition, we were told that they wanted “Sydney” to be the concluding track and that it might be the 18th track on the Japanese CD and a bonus track might be the 17th. As it turned out, they have opted to make “Sydney” the 17th track in line with the global release. But if you listen through the album, you will know why they wanted to make “Sydney” the concluding track.
Regarding “All That I Cherish,”
Dwina Gibb told us:
This is a love song written by Robin and Michael Graves in 2005. Robin recorded it in London that year. It was shortlisted for a “Shrek” film. It is a complete version, and we are lucky to have it now.
Because the song came from earlier recording sessions, when they first put together the solo album, the song was not yet ready for inclusion. Otherwise, it would have been included in the global release. So we are really fortunate to have this gem out now so that we all get to hear it! Robin sounds so good here.
Solo album T.J. Sheppard with song by Barry Gibb
October 7th. 2014
Sheppard: I’m working on my new solo album that will be coming out in 2015. I’m excited about that because one of my closest friends, Barry Gibb, gave me a great new song that he wrote just for me. It’s an honor to have him write a song for the project. He’s one of the top two songwriters in the world. Paul McCartney is No. 1 and Barry is No. 2. Being pitched a song of that caliber means more to me than he’ll ever know. It’s called “Midnight In Memphis” and it’s a great song. I won’t do the song live until I figure out how I want to record it. That will happen in the next few months.
Videos: VH1 storytellers
Marion: GSI 10/21/14
NEWS, October 15th.
BMI award for: “If I Cannot Have You”
“If I Cant Have You” received an BMI award for 4 million plays in the US
AIRPLAY This section contains the most performed songs in the BMI repertoire of more than 6.5 million works. Only about 5000 titles have achieved “Million-Air” status, or more than 1 million United States radio and television performances. One million performances is the equivalent of approximately 50,000 broadcast hours, or more than 5.7 years of continuous airplay, a graphic reminder of the colossal and ongoing royalty income of the Gibb Brothers.

RJ, Megan, David Stark and Dwina, photo David Stark
Over 6 million airplays: How Deep Is Your Love, To Love Somebody,
Over 5 million plays How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
Over 4 million airplays: Islands In The Stream, Emotion, If I Can’t Have You
Over 3 million airplays: Too Much Heaven, Stayin’ Alive, I Just Want To Be Your Everything
Over 1 million airplays: Massachusetts, Words, I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You, I Started A Joke, Lonely Days, Jive Talkin, Nights On Broadway, Fanny Be Tender, Love So Right, Night Fever, More Than A Woman, Love Is Thicker Than Water, Shadow Dancing,(Our Love) Don’t Throw It All Away, Come On Over, Grease, Guilty, What Kind Of Fool, Heartbreaker.

Dwina Gibb, photo by David Stark
Love And Hope Ball, 2015
The 41st Annual Love and Hope Ball will take place:
Saturday, February 14, 2015, at 6:30 p.m.
Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa
3555 S Ocean Drive, Hollywood
Tickets are $600 per person and can be purchased at:
More info when available.
Marion: GSI 10/15/14
(also thanks Juan Guzman)
NEWS, October 4th.
Video: “I Am The World” Robin Gibb album
Reviews, articles, charts, video
* Robin Gibb, shines on final album
* (German article) “50 St. Catherine’ Drive” is the last album released of Robin Gibb who dies 2 years ago. A peaceful farewell.
* Robin Gibb’s final recordings
* Album pirated
* Rhino
* Yahoo Music review
* German article
* Dutch charts
* Video
Marion: GSI 10/04/14
NEWS, September 29th.
Promotion for Robin’s album

© Bill Waters
Around the release date of 50 St Catherine’s Drive several promoting activities have been planned. * Below there’s a link to a Huffington Post interview with RJ
* Three PDF files of German interviews (with Dwina or Dwina and RJ.) Good Times, October – November Mopo Robin Gibb, Bild
Dwina has also recently done an interview with Rolling Stone Brazil, and will be doing an interview with O Globo from Rio De Janeiro tomorrow, September 30. Today September 29. Dwina and RJ did interviews with the UK Daily Express and the Manchester Evening News, both of which will be published this week. They also recorded a short interview for Radio 2 News and did 11 interviews live on regional BBC radio shows.
In the US, Days Of Wine And Roses was premiered last week on
A video for “I Am The World” is almost final, and it will be premiered on Wednesday.
More to come
Marion: GSI 09/29/14
(special thanks Robin Hurley)
NEWS, September 18th.
Website Robin Gibb re-launched today to celebrate the release of 50 St. Catherine’s Drive. The site has been offline for over two years, but has now been redesigned, rebuilt and features lots of new content.
Available now on the all-new Robin Gibb website:
* An exclusive new track from 50 St. Catherine’s Drive.
* Several new galleries with many unseen photos from Dwina and RJ’s personal collection.
* An updated discography.
* A welcome message from Dwina Gibb, plus her thoughts on the new album: 50 St. Catherine’s Drive.
* A newly written biography.

Robin Gibb website
Marion: GSI 09/18/14
NEWS, September 13th.
3rd Annual “Haute Tea” of Love And Hope Linda Gibb was honored for her work with the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation at a magnificent event on September 12th. Husband Barry of course attended the event too as well as most of the family. Soon you’ll find a report about this by Anne Jakowenko on this website.

Linda and grand child Layla. © Stacy Bass Gibb
Marion: GSI 09/13/14
NEWS, September 1st.
Happy Birthday!!
To Barry on his birthday today and……. to him and Linda: a very happy wedding anniversary!! Bee Gees music for a new piano
Special Italian Bee Gees / Blue Weaver concert !!
Blue Weaver:
“The Worpswede concert on September 4th. (Musikhalle – Worpswede, Niedersachsen, Germany ) is a benefit concert to raise money for a new piano for the Worpswede Music Hall Please come and see the Egiziano Brothers, guests… and myself in a one off acoustic performance. I promise you will have a great evening of Bee Gees songs performed as only brothers can…”
Music Hall Worpswede (near Bremen, Germany)
tickets for this benefit concert: 24 Euro to order at:
start of show: 20.00 hours Bee Gees on DVD in Midnight Special shows Did You Know
Bee Gees cover song by Dutch group: The Kik: Ik Doe Wat Ik Wil ( All By Myself)
The meaning of the nicknames of Robin, Barry and Maurice:
Bodding, Basser and Woggie When they were young children, before Robin and Maurice could even pronounce their own names this is what the 3 brothers called each other.
Message for visitors Italian Bee Gees concerts in The Netherlands: September 19 and 20. Informatie voor bezoekers van Italian Bee Gees concerten in Nederland op 19 en 20 September The concert of September 20th. in Deurne will get a new location:
Nieuwe locatie voor concert op 20 September:
Cafe Hotel Thijssen, Pastoriestraat 20,Vlierden (near Deurne!)
More info soon: Italian Bee Gees
Marion: GSI 09/01/14
NEWS, August 19th.
Message from GSI
Dear Gibb fans
I need to apologiz
e Due to the Summer vacation and due to several personal matters which need my attention. I have a delay in answering emails, updating GSI Facebook and specially updating the GSI website. Sorry for that. I hope to be able to get updated with all the work soon again.
Thanks and love, Marion/GSI BBC Radio 2 interview with Dwina and RJ Gibb
Also read:
Marion: GSI 08/19/14
NEWS, July 31st.

Press Release.
Click to read (docx file).
(with special thanks Robin Hurley)
Also listen to:
* Sorry – Robin Gibb
* Sydney – Robin Gibb Dwina Gibb releases first anniversary picture
Ahead of posthumous album launch Dwina releases first anniversary picture of her and Bee Gees Robin Gibb. Mrs Gibb has released the picture on what would have been the couple’s 31st wedding anniversary.
Read story at: also read:

Robin John Gibb on Facebook, July 30th. 2014
Hello Everyone ,
It has recently been decided by the record company that an instrumental piece that I first composed in 2010 and then started writing lyrics for shortly thereafter has been chosen as a single. The song, which a lot of you are aware of already, is Instant Love. Shortly before the Titanic Requiem (as my father and I would work on different genres together and if we both decided to write on a piece we both liked we just went with the flow) I played him the song. He sang some demo vocals to it and the rest is history. We then wrote the lyrics together and I finally completed the backing, orchestration and overall production when I finished production works on 50 St Catherine’s drive at Red Bus Studios in March of this year. It was then mixed at Metropolis and will be released later this year. Instant Love was originally going to be a club piece and now it is the mainstream piece it deserves to be (yet the lines are indeed blurred these days and there’s nothing wrong with that) but can still touch the club industry as there is a dance mix for future post-release. The single will be the original version… With my father and I singing a verse each and the chorus together. My father laid down some amazing harmonics as well. There was another version with just myself singing, when my father wanted to feature Instant Love on 50 St Catherine’s Drive with me on the vocals. There was also the demo version from when we first started developing the song with just my father singing the lyrics, but even though it is not finished studio quality, if you have managed to get hold of it then kudos to you as it will of course be a “digital collectors item”). In the end we decided then that the original cannot be beat and I still have the same sentiments. It truly is touching in my opinion and I hope you all enjoy the final outcome.
Love and best wishes to you and yours as always,
Whoever you may be,
RJ xx
Marion: GSI 07/31/14
NEWS, June 24th.
3rd Annual Haute Tea
The Young Society of Love and Hope will host their 3rd Annual “Haute Tea” at The St. Regis Bal Harbour Resort on Friday, September 12, 2014. This year’s event will be honoring Linda Gibb, who serves along side her husband, Barry, as International Chairmen of Love and Hope.

While Linda Gibb (front) and her husband, Barry, serve as International Chairmen of Love and Hope, their daughter, Ali (2nd from left) and daughters-in-law (l-r) Therese, Gloria, Stacy and Jenna Gibb are members of the Young Society of Love and Hope. – Photo Credit: Anita Sinkovic of Photoactiva for SoFlaNights
Marion: GSI 06/24/14
NEWS, June 2nd.
Barry Gibb concert Concord
It was on May 31 when Barry had his performance in Concord (near San Francisco). Open air show again, good weather, great atmosphere and lots of enthusiastic fans. Sam unfortunately still wasn’t there but according to Barry she’s doing better and hopes to be there in Hollywood. Barry spoke of her with tenderness and asked the audience to wish her well. We keep our fingers crossed.
Video “How Deep Is Your Love”
Review And then there was ‘One’: Barry Gibb’s message is music
Read article:

© Anne Jakoweno
GSI tips
* BEE GEES, Streetlive
* Barry Gibb – Playdown (audio only) Brisbane 16.2.2013
* Bee Gees – Words – Spirits Having Flown 1979
* Bee Gees – Portrait Of Louise – Live In New York 1971
Marion: GSI 06/02/14
NEWS, May 28th.
Barry Gibb concert Chicago
Barry really was enjoying himself in Chicago, he looked very relaxed. A pity that Sam wasn’t able again to be there due to an illness. She’s healing well and hopes to be there again on the West Coast. Whereever Barry goes during this US tour: the crowd loves him and he loves to be there and sing for his audience. Although the difficult and emotional moments and being on stage without his brothers: Barry loves to perform again.
Reviews from fans
* Thank you Barry Gibb for the most memorable concert I have ever been to in my life! I sang and danced like it was 1975!! Never have I felt such love and energy! You made us all feel wonderful, sentimental, and soo happy.
* Most incredible concert i have ever seem, OMG I cant believe I was here.
* Barry rocked Chicago ! Spectacular! On fire! Funny so handsome, better than ever, love him. Many Thanks to all involved for arranging such awesome seats for some lucky fans traveling long distances!!!
* Great and emotional concert, thanks also for organizing of the fan get-together(s) in the venue cities dear Anne, Debbi, Marion. A great way to meet other fans and to enjoy these special BG moments together. This is what fans want!!
* Barry Gibb Live in Chicago first 9 min.
* Barry Gibb – Night Fever / More Than a Woman
* In The Morning

© Anne Jakoweno
Mythology Merchandise
Finally the link is there, ( thank you tourmanager ‘Los’) Queen and Andy Gibb
A new Queen album will be released which includes collaborations with other stars like Andy Gibb, Michael Jackson etc. ‘Queen Forever’ will be the first Queen compilation album featuring vocals by Mercury (who died in 1991) and bassist John Deacon (who retired in 1997) since 1995’s Made in Heaven. Barry Gibb in Rolling Stone magazine

One of the pictures in Rolling Stone magazine
Marion: GSI 05/28/14
NEWS, May 24th.
Barry Gibb concert New York
Cold and rainy weather when Barry did his open air concert last night in Wantagh, NY Nikon at, Jones Beach Theater. However with his performance he brought sunshine to all the fans. A little sad was the fact that Barry had to tell the audience he’d perform that night without his niece Sam who had fallen ill and was in hospital for some tests. A disappointment for the audience of course.
Message from Sam on Twitter: Saturday morning May 24th.
Samantha Gibb ?@SamGibbMusic
Can’t even describe how sad I am to of missed the Jones Beach show.Last night my health needed to come first. Now healing and getting better.
Barry on twitter:
Thank you Jones Beach. It was a wonderful life experience. Thank you for braving the rain and the cold. You were an inspiration.
Reviews (some first reviews from facebook)
* Just got back from Barry’s show in Jones Beach. He was amazing! We spent the evening laughing, crying, singing and dancing to many of our favorite Bee Gees songs. It was an amazing night and I had a great time. Barry belongs on stage and I hope he continues to tour.
* I saw such emotion tonight from Barry. I think he still gets amazed that he has such loyal fans and retelling stories about his brothers impacts him so. I must again thank Linda for encouraging him to get back to his music so we can remind Barry what he and his brothers and his family mean to us.
Newsday review
* How Can You Mend (mentioning Sam is ill).
* Don’t Throw It All Away ….
* Tragedy
News paper article
Barry Gibb on CBS Sunday Morning (will be aired May 25th.)

© Robert Widermann
Message from Mythology Tour manager: Carlos
For everyone that has been wanting Merchandise from Boston. I talked to the Merchandise Representative last night and he is aware of your requests. They are setting up the online link as we speak ! I will advise when it is up and running so you all can sell out the store okay? 🙂
Enjoy the day! “Los” Australia salutes Beatles
Album which includes Beatles song by Bee Gees
Marion: GSI 05/24/14
NEWS, May 19th.
Review, Boston concert Barry Gibb Mythology Tour in Philadelphia
Today Barry gives his concert in Philly, to all fans attending: have a great time! See for fan gathering details: GSI Mailbox. For 24/7 fan updates etc. visit: GSI on Facebook.

Barry in the media
Like mentioned yesterday, Barry’s appearance on CBS has been pushed back until next Sunday May 25. and The “Tonight Show” is still on this Wednesday May 21. There’s a Rolling Stone article coming aprox: May 29. Keep an eye on that!.
(thanks Dick Ashby).
Marion: GSI 05/19/14
NEWS, May 15th.
US Mythology Tour
Finally, today the next part of The Mythology Tour will start and Barry Gibb and his team will give their first concert in Boston. GSI will follow the tour and will afterwards post reports and photos of course. During the tour we try to keep you updated as well, mostly through GSI Facebook and if possible on the website too. Before or after each concert there will be a fan get together in the venue cities organized by Anne Jakowenko in cooperation with GSI (except for Concord as there Anne couldn’t organize one due to her schedule. Hopefully other fans will make arrangements to meet eachother there also at some location). Information about the Anne Jakowenko/GSI get togethers you can find on GSI Mailbox (scroll down to read all parts!) mailbox Hopefully many of you will join.
To all fans attending one of the concerts: ENJOY.
To Barry and his team: go for it! good luck, safe travels and enjoy this tour!
Also visit:

Barry’s plans after this 3rd. part of The Mythology Tour:
New songs like “End of the Rainbow” he wants to record in analog, rather than digital, and then: more touring!! Barry: “Paul McCartney and I discussed this not long ago,” he says. “Getting and staying out there, doing old songs and new. His take on it is perfect: “What else can I do?” Official Barry Gibb Day in Boston
The city has declared today, May 15, Barry Gibb Day in Boston. Read about the official proclamation from Mayor Marty Walsh! GSI Tips
* Trevor Norton, once drummer in Andy’s band, talks about working with Andy Gibb etc.
* Bee Gees – Ellan Vannin (Old)
* To love somebody- Vince Melouney
* Bee Gees – New Zealand 1971 – Two Years On Tour
Marion: GSI 05/15/14
NEWS, May 9th.
10 questions with Barry Gibb

The lord of the disco talks about family, comforting the King of Pop and weeping with Ryan Gosling read at: Barry Gibb celebrates brothers
* Barry Gibb celebrates brothers he survived
* Celebration with Barry Gibb, Boston radio
Marion: GSI 05/09/14
NEWS, May 1st.
Mythology Merchandise Info, USA Tour
Items will definitely be sold at each venue. What usually happens is that the merchandisers, in this case ‘Live Nation’ are allowed to keep selling same on their website for an agreed period of time after the Tour. It is unlikely that the USA tour items will be available via Barry’ s website (Dick Ashby) Bee Gees First Of May Re-issue News
According to HMV Japan, most of the ’70s catalog is being issued on SHM-CD. The big news here is LIVING EYES is among the bunch coming out on July 9th Warner Japan will issue the five albums that were not part of the last year’s papersleeve reissues.
WPCR-15757 2 Years On
WPCR-15758 Trafalgar
WPCR-15759 To Whom It May Concern
WPCR-15760 Life in a Tin Can
WPCR-15761 Living Eyes
The scheduled release date is July 7, 2014. Original UK LP artworks will be recreated in miniature form, and “best available masters” will be used, according to the release information found online (source: HMV Japan).
Marion: GSI 05/01/14 (thanks Juan Guzman)
NEWS, April 16th.
Barry Gibb Interview
Exclusive: BARRY GIBB on The Mark and Kristin Show, Unedited Version from April 15. Robert Stigwood
Today the man who has been an important person in the career of The Bee Gees celebrates his 80th. birthday: Happy Birthday Mr. Stigwood!!
Marion: GSI 04/16/14
NEWS, April 8th.
“Artists for Others”
Barry Gibb and Kelly Lang attended at “Artists for Others” at Eau PalmBeach last Saturday, April 6th. A Fantastic Event for a Great Cause! It was a spectacular night with Grammy Award-winner Amy Grant and other musicians, artists and celebrities who came together to help human trafficking victims.

Soundcheck c. Kelly Lang

source facebook Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa

© Lucien Capehart Photography

The Bunburys
Bunbury Tails Bunbury Tails 1
Bunbury Tails 2 Bunbury Tails 3
Bunbury Tails 4
Marion: GSI 04/08/14
NEWS, March 4th.
Message from Dwina to GSI
Marion / GSI: I’ve had contact with Robin’s family and their asistant in Thame several times last week by mail and phone about things many fans have asked me about the past few months, about some updates as well as some talk about Dwina’s work and the legacy of the BG music etc. Yesterday Dwina mailed me again with some updates and to answer some questions.
Bee Gees music legacy
About the legacy of The Bee Gees music she talks about other artists performing BG music and tells me she also knows about the 3 Italian Egiziano Brothers who are touring through Europe with former BG bandmember Blue Weaver, performing the BG music live on stage.
Dwina: ‘Yes, I do know of the Italian brothers who sing and who have worked with Blue Weaver. Robin liked them very much. I do believe that the Bee Gees met them all.’
Robin’s headstone at St. Mary’s church yard
Fans are wondering and asking me many times why there still is no head stone for Robin’s grave.
Dwina: Robin’s headstone has been sourced from a mountain in Wales. We often visited this place in Wales en route to my parent’s home in Ireland. We had to wait for a long time for the ground to settle here in Thame, because of the fact that St. Mary’s Church has nine layers of tombs below, the Churchyard being almost a thousand years old. We also had terrible flooding around Thame. Our fields are still lakes at the moment. However, we do have a special award winning sculptor, Martin Cook, who is currently working on the headstone.
I feel that the family and fans will like it.’
The latest about Robin’s solo album etc.
Dwina: ‘Robin’s solo album will also come out later this year. The songs are beautiful and his vocals magnificent as usual. We miss him and his voice terribly. Sadly, Ollie, our Irish wolfhound recently passed over. Ollie used to stand behind Robin when he was singing at the keyboards and he would lean against him just listening to the music. Robin would ruffle his head every so often. Wherever Robin was, Ollie was there. We have many photos of them sitting or walking together in the garden’.
Will there be a place for Robin on the internet in future
Dwina:‘Robin’s website will re-open soon as a place of special memories, and will have information and links to other family sites.’
Are there still plans for a memorial service
Dwina: ‘Eventually, we will have a memorial service in London when the time is right and we are not hurting so much from our loss. It will be a celebration of his life.
Robin John’s musical plans and Robin’s musical legacy
Dwina: ‘RJ is working on his own pop album and also on a classical World War I Memoriam. The Titanic Requiem will have a series of concerts soon, some with holograms and some as orchestral pieces.’
About her grand child and her family
See: GSI Family News(including some nice photos of Max)
Dwina’s own career
Dwina: ‘My Irish comedic play: Last Confessions of a Scallywag will be shown at The Mill at Sonning Dinner Theatre from 31 July – 24 August and then 5 September – 27 September. It is directed by Sarah Jane Berger. Online booking: or Box Office Reading (0118) 969 8000. ( I also have a Regency Mystery Romance eBook on Amazon Kindle, Mythwood Books, and iBooks, called: Pandora’s Dilemma; and I am currently writing another play and other works.
I hope this has answered some of the questions.
Love to all,’
Marion: GSI 03/04/14
NEWS, February 18th.
Concerning North America Concerts
Earlier posts about ordering management tickets through GSI herewith are cancelled!!
Sorry there is no possibility anymore to request for visiting a sound check at any of the venues or requesting for management tickets !!!
Fan Gatherings
In each venue city of the North America Tour there will be a fan gathering/diner organized by Anne Jakowenko in cooperation with GSI and we will post more info about that soon.
GSI will also report about the whole tour on GSI website and GSI Facebook.
More shows: only if there is a huge demand of more seats and more concerts!!
Possibly at least one more concert in Canada. No more news on that right now!!
Regular ticket sale at: and
These sites also give you info on sale dates, normal prices, venue info etc.
Marion: GSI 02/18/14
NEWS, February 14th.
One Year: Bee Gees Walk Way
Redcliffe (Australia) watched as a quiet walkway was transformed into a tribute to one of the world’s most influential pop groups, and held it’s breath when the last remaining Bee Gee peeled away a protective sheet to reveal a bronzed statue of the three Gibb brothers. And it all happened a year ago today! Listen to interview: “Love And Hope”: 40

This weekend the 40th. Love And Hope Event. Love and Hope is an integral fundraising group for the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, which was created in 1971 by a small group of parents of children with diabetes – parents committed to finding a cure for this devastating disease. Barry and Linda Gibb are the International chairmen of Love And Hope. More about everything concerning this Event soon on GSI website and Facebook. Barry Gibb on radio

Barry Gibb celebrates the upcoming ‘Mythology’ U.S. tour (May ’14) by recalling his years as co-founder of the iconic Bee Gees. Barry appears throughout the weekend, introducing songs he crafted into multi-million sellers. We celebrate our Valentine’s weekend with a man truly loved by millions, the one and only…’B.G.’!!! Listen to: Sirius XM satellite radio Tune in all Weekend long, beginning Friday, February 14 at 5 pm ET. ‘GSI, Brothers Gibb and Bee Gees info’
The name of the GSI Facebook page: to keep even more updated about everything Gibb related. 24/7 Gibb news, photos, music etc. from all over the world.
Marion: GSI 02/14/14
NEWS, February 8th.
Another Barry Gibb Interview
Barry Gibb on WGN 720 Radio Chicago
February 6, 2014

Marion: GSI 02/08/14
NEWS, January 30th.
Message for fans from Europe:
Concert tickets for Barry Gibb’s
“Mythology Tour”, North America
GSI facebook members from Europe who are interested in getting to see Barry in concert in North America and haven’t been able to obtain tickets yet can get in touch with me.(Marion) Aren’t you GSI Facebook member yet then: connect to facebook if you haven’t got an account there yet and search for the GSI facebook group called: GSI, Brothers Gibb and Bee Gees info at:
Press the button to become member of the group and after adding you can request your tickets.
I have the possibility to get a limited amount of tickets for some European fans, with help of Dick Ashby. For all 6 concerts: block center, first, second and third row seats, really good seats at face value and any handling charges should be minimal/normal.
If you are interested mail me:
1. your name,
2. the country you live in
3. amount of tickets,
4. for which venue
5. and your email address
(subject: US tickets Barry Gibb)
And you will be put on a request list. As there are only a limited number of tickets available for each show I cannot promise a thing but I will let you know then a.s.a.p. if you will be amongst the lucky ones!! Tour update
GSI will report about the whole tour and there might be possibilities for fan gatherings in the venue cities. More details later. We will not know for another 3 weeks if any shows will be added after LA but if so there might be at least one Canadian date as well. Barry Gibb on NBC – Today television (USA)
Interview with Barry
Barry: ‘it was life in a tin can’
Barry: ‘I always loved playing the music, I always listen to music, I always get a kick out of someone else singing our songs’! watch: Barry in the program of Kelly and Michael (US television)
watch video: Win Tickets!!
Saturday, May 31st at the Concord Pavilion.
Marion: GSI 01/30/14
NEWS, January 27th.
Dates now confirmed!
05/15/14 Boston, MA TD Garden
05/19/14 Philadelphia, PA Wells Fargo Center
05/23/14 Wantagh, NY Nikon at Jones Beach Theater
05/27/14 Chicago, IL United Center or Allstate Arena
05/31/14 Concord, CA Concord Pavilion
06/04/14 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Bowl
TICKET SALE: starts January 31.
ATTENTION for pre sales dates!!
Marion: GSI 01/27/14
NEWS, January 23rd.
Promoting activities for USA “Mythology Tour”
Set your DVR’s for the week of January 27th thru the 30th as Barry Gibb will be appearing on several National (US) TV shows to promote the upcoming USA “Mythology” Tour! Several more shows are on schedule to be taped in which we will advise on their viewing dates in the near future. The following shows which are CONFIRMED as of this date include these National Talk Shows: – January 27th – Jimmy Fallon – Interview “Viewer Alert” – Look for Stephen Gibb & Doug Emery who will be part of “The Roots” TV Band that Night!!! January 30th – “Today” Morning Show -Interview January 30th – “Kelly & Michael Show” – Interview & Performance ** Check your local listings for Time and Channels for your area.
Marion: GSI 01/23/14
NEWS, January 12th.
In Memory Of Maurice Gibb
We will never forget.
Tim Roxborogh:
“11 years on from Maurice’s death, here’s the piece I wrote last year. The article features Maurice’s swamp-rock solo song On Time as well as Richard Ashcroft’s (The Verve) recent sample of the same song”.

copyright Harry Goodwin
50 St. Catherine’s Drive
Press update:
Red Bus Studios are happy to announce that it is the late Robin Gibb unfinished album 50 St. Catherine’s Drive that will be set for release. The album named after the road in which Robin was born, is an exceptional collaboration between himself and his son Robin – John Gibb, who is currently recording some outstanding lead vocals on ‘Instant Love’ by the way. We couldn’t be happier to hear one of the greatest singer songwriters of our time work live on, with of course the addition of R J Gibb fresh talent added to the mix. Good work guys.
Marion: GSI 01/12/14