NEWS, December 17
Latest about Cousins Gibb
What’s Your Story – Nick Endacott-Gibb and Debora McLane – Cousins Gibb
The latest interview with Nick Endacott Gibb and Debora McLane
‘Cousins Gibb’
In this interview Nick talks about his feelings having connected with his genetic family. Debora shares how Nick has some familiar mannerisms of her uncle. At last Nick has found his tribe …. as Nick says …. its not about replacing my family or not being part of the family I grew up in – this is a deep rooted need … to know my genetic roots ….
I finally have my missing pieces.
Now Cousins Gibb will move forward and hopefully bring you lots more music.
Coming Home can be heard at the end of the interview
Enjoy !!!! The Gibbs and The Isle Of Man
Video which brings back lots of memories
Thanks Sue Corrin and Anthony Cubbon
Marion: GSI 12/17/21
NEWS, November 28
Barry Gibb at: MSNBC, Morning Joe Barry Gibb: When Bee Gees music comes on, wherever we are, people start dancing. Interview with Barry Gibb

By Benjamin Law
Barry Gibb: “I pray for music to come back in a more romantic way” Article from December 5, 2020
Marion: GSI 11/28/21
NEWS, November 27
Robin John Gibb writes on Facebook in answer to many questions…..
about the ‘raw’ and special version Too Much Heaven by his father Robin Gibb and Paul McCartney.
“I’d like to say to everyone that I can indeed clarify for you, right now, that it’s an absolute fact, beyond a shred nor a shadow of doubt, that my father recorded an amazing, “raw” & heartfelt commemorative version of ‘Too Much Heaven’ with Mr. McCartney, in memory of his beloved twin brother Maurice. It was to debut live, at a very much planned and anticipated free Memorial Concert for Maurice Gibb in Hyde Park akin to the free memorial concert ‘Stones In The Park’ which was (of course the memorial concert thrown for Brian Jones when he was tragically passed away on the eve of the show, was a gig initially intended for Mick Taylor’s intro into the Stones as their new guitarist. However, Brian Jones was murdered just two days previously and the concert then dedicated to him by his band accordingly.
Unfortunately, & much to my father’s heartbreak, Mo’s concert was never to be. I know all of this well because I was there as part of the production team. It was all very sudden, I saw Paul at a get-together thrown by our good friend Lisa Voice, at her home in London. Paul was very keen to pay his respects to my Uncle Maurice with a song by the Bee Gees which he not only enjoyed singing, but which he deemed lyrically appropriate for the occasion, in content, and one which easily matched his vocal style and range. So from initial concept, to demo, it all felt rather sudden and hurried at that time. You see, before I knew it, we were at Paul’s studio with his production guys (whom I’m not at liberty to divulge at present). My father spent a great deal of time, between recording, when we were down there, talking to Paul about the good old days (anecdotal happenings and goings on at both Stigwood and Epstein’s offices, etc.) and Paul showcasing to my father his guitar collection, including ones he’d used to write certain songs.
There were also various collector’s items, such as instruments (bass violins, guitars, drum-sets, etc) and other pieces, from Elvis’ band as well as from other 1950’s rockabilly stars. He also showed us old oscillators & first generation synthesisers.
(very cool!)
The precursors of all modern keyboards, such as beautiful synthesisers by Moog, & others by Hammond (there was also an Odyssey, I believe, but don’t quote me on that) and other such instruments and sentimental objects, all in wonderfully kept condition. As far as this topic is concerned, I for one would just LOVE to resurrect the ‘Too Much Heaven’ version in question and release it for all to hear. As aforementioned to my good friend Ricardo Calderon and my other friends featured on his podcast, I just need to contact Paul and flesh out a plan-of-action with him in this regard. Given my upcoming tour perhaps we can, hopefully, figure something out. If not in time for the tour then certainly in the not-too-distant future.
Love & warm regards to you all,
Robin J. Gibb xx
It would, of course, be such perfect timing, especially given the fact that the hugely anticipated Bee Gees biopic film (Graham King’s second instalment after his release of the most successful movie known to man, Bohemian Rhapsody) is in the making, with Amblin (Spielberg), Paramount, and Kenneth Branagh at the helm as the film’s Director. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I wish you a weekend to remember.
Cheers, Ciao, …Outski”
GSI will keep you updated of course In Defence of the Bee Gees
Marion: GSI 11/27/21
NEWS, November 3
The Isle Of Man pays tribute to Sir Barry Gibb!!
With a special edition stamp issue!!!
At the request of Barry Gibb, the stamps will raise money for the music therapy charity Nordoff Robbins. It follows the unveiling of a statue of the Bee Gees on the Isle of Man in July.
Says Barry: “I’m very proud of my Manx roots. I was born and bred on the ancient, mystical, magical Isle Of Man, and I have very fond memories of growing up there, so to appear on a set of its stamps is not only a wonderful surprise, but also an honour and a privilege.”
Also watch: Sir Barry Gibb o Singer o Songwriter o Producer Collection Issue Date: 3rd November 2021 – Please note: Orders may not be dispatched for up to 21 days after issue date at: Grammy Awards nominations 2022.
Fingers crossed for Barry and the Greenfields album. Nominations announced on November 23!! Best Music Film?!
Tweeted by John Merchant this week: , Grammy Consideration For Best Music Film…!! Let’s hope John!

Marion: GSI 11/03/21
More info: follow our Facebook group:
NEWS, October 6
Bee Gees Movie News.
Carina Haller.
After success in the American theater, Carina Haller will be part of the cast of the film by the band Bee Gees The actress, Brazilian on her mother’s side and Swiss on her father’s side, with a 15-year career in international theater. Carina will take part in the Bee Gees movie which will be directed by renowned and award-winning director Kenneth Branagh, who was also in charge of films such as Hamlet (1996), Thor (2011) and Cinderella (2015), is produced by Graham King, who won 4 Oscars in 2019, by Queen biography “Bohemian Rhapsody”. Carina can’t tell you anything about the role yet, but she’s already started composing the character and trusts the crew a lot. “I know I’ll be in good hands. My preparation at this moment is to study deeply the history of the band Bee Gees, which has been fascinating to me”. The Bee Gees biopic, will be a Paramount Pictures film and is set to start shooting in 2022!!
( article: Google translated).
More to come when available!
The complete article has been posted on our Facebook group:
Marion: GSI 10/06/21
NEWS, December 13
Vince Melouney
About Tall Poppy Syndrome and about ‘DECADES: The Bee Gees in the 1960s’ (1) Samantha Gibb Interview with WBTA FM 100.1, Part 1 and 2 Listen to Samantha Gibb talk to Chris Kalen at WBTA FM 100.1 about her new song “Christmas In A Small Town” and how it came about to be recorded. Samantha also talks about the tour life with her uncle Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees and the Mythology tour. Sam also shares what it was like to be brought up to one of the most legendary musician and pop star in music history, Maurice Gibb.
Marion: GSI 12/13/21
NEWS, December 7
Your Christmas Wishes for the Gibb Family
Dear GSI members,
To post / send your Christmas wishes to The Gibb Family Go to our GSI Facebook group: (GSI, Brothers Gibb and Bee Gees info – and write your wishes and message in the comments section below the special posting on the group so The Gibb Family can read it. Robert Stigwood
New Documentary and more about Mr. Saturday Night !
Mr. Saturday Night | Official Trailer | HBO an HBO original documentary and #MusicBoxHBO film about Robert Stigwood’s gamble that turned Saturday Night Fever into a cultural touchstone, premieres December 9 on HBO Max.
“Mr. Saturday Night”: How an Aussie impresario caught disco fever and made a movie classic
Interviews: John Maggio on Having a Ball with the Life of Robert Stigwood in “Mr. Saturday Night”
Q&A: John Maggio Talks About His Robert Stigwood Bio “Mr. Saturday Night”
Filmwax TV: John Maggio (MR. SATURDAY NIGHT)
“Mr. Saturday Night” Review: A Producer Who Found His Groove More Gibbology:
A Bee Gees Podcast, by Sarah Stacey
Marion: GSI 12/07/21
follow GSI on Facebook daily:
NEWS, November 20
Latest GSI message, info and update
Source GSI:
“* First of all dear members I think you have noticed already that the past months I have been very busy reorganizing our membership list, quite some people I had to delete for various reasons and this is still going on as the coming time I will again have to delete a number of ‘fans’ unfortunately, but I prefer to keep this group a positive group in honor of The Gibbs / The Bee Gees, not a gossip group. It makes me very sad that some people like to use their public groups for gossip. Please regularly take a look at the GSI Guidelines and when you find any rude or disturbing postings/comments on this group etc.: please just report to Facebook so I’ll get a notification, thank you!! in answer to regular questions I receive from GSI members I have here some latest info from my official source:
* For questions you can always write me an email but there is no special club address for fans to get in touch or get things send to Barry or the Gibb Family. Management have been thinking about this but decided there won’t be coming an official PO box for fan mail/autograph requests again. Most info and news will always be posted on GSI website and regularly, if necessary in daily updates, on our GSI Facebook group as I am constantly in touch with the Gibb Family and my sources for news etc. !!. If besides that you have any questions you can write to the GSI address: like mentioned in the guidelines. If and when I have time I will try to help and answer you. This unfortunately also means that like we started posting early in 2020: there is no possibility to write and request Barry for signed photos or any other signed items via any address. If ever this situation changes GSI will let you know for sure. In very few cases I will be able to help like, I did in the past.
* Concerning buying official merchandize items: Management told me that they’ll hope to do a Bee Gees merch deal next year and that being the case the merch company would shut down all the bootleggers which are going around now and which by the way are and have never been allowed to post on GSI. When GSI receives more info about the above, I will surely let you know on the GSI Facebook group as well as on the GSI website.”
Marion: GSI 11/20/21
NEWS, November 19
Samantha’s new single….
Sam: “My new single “Christmas in a Small Town” is now available exclusively on iTunes and available everywhere” Video
Enjoy again this interview with Barry Gibb
Marion: GSI 11/19/21
for more follow us daily on Facebook:
NEWS, November 12
Answer to some of your recent questions to GSI
– The Movie
Not much news about the movie, since the latest GSI update but I have the feeling that it might be possible that now the movie is being planned for January 2023, instead of November 2022. I keep you updated. One is talking now to actors and news regarding the casting should be announced soon.
– DVD /Blue-Ray of How Can You Mend…. Docu. Unfortunately this will not include footage/ complete concert from the Spirits tour as once mentioned. Only some deleted scenes which were not included on the HBO version. I understand The Blu – Ray will be released in the US and it seems it will not be released or coming out in region free.
When I hear more I will post.
Marion: GSI 11/12/21 thanks also Juan
NEWS, October 24
Vince Melouney, lead guitarist of the early Bee Gees.
His new band. “Tall Poppy Syndrome” is a new band consisting of Paul Kopf (vocals,) Vince Melouney (guitar,) Jonathan Lea (guitar,) Alec Palao (bass) and Clem Burke (drums.) Their debut single is a reimagining of Robin Gibb’s song “Come Some Christmas Eve (Or Halloween)” available October 29. Colin Petersen, drummer of the early Bee Gees
From Smiley to the Bee Gees: The boy from the bush who became a movie and rock star
Colin Petersen found fame – twice The ABC’s David ILiffe caught up with Colin to talk about his amazing career. Massachusetts Tour 2021.
A yearly tour in Europe, mostly Germany, of The Italian Bee Gees / Egiziano Brothers: 3 brothers and their band to honour the Bee Gees music, was postponed due to Covid last year and now re-started again. This year again with Blue Weaver, for many years part of The Bee Gees Band playing keyboards and composing with the Gibbs. Also again on stage in this Massachusetts Tour: Vince Melouney, one of the original first Bee Gees. Normally Dennis Bryon plays on drums during these tours as well however he is now recovering from surgery and will join the next tour, which will start in Spring 2022.

Blue on stage in Massachusetts tour 2021, Ingolstadt, Germany

Vince on stage in Massachusetts Tour 2021, Magdeburg, Germany
More info on our Italian Bee Gees section
And of course on the several Facebook pages of GSI and the Italian Bee Gees.
Marion: GSI 10/24/21
NEWS, October 1
Robin John’s KTT Legacy website
Robin John’s KTT Legacy website with lots of items to buy amongst others: Special and official Bee Gees / Robin Gibb merchandize !!
KTT works hand in hand with GSI
Like mentioned on the website: soon more about new charity options too.
Take a look at Tim Roxborogh talks again about The Bee Gees, Living Eyes etc.
Source: Gibbology: A Bee Gees Podcast.
Marion: GSI 10/01/21
Gibb Service International
NEWS, September 23
News from Robin John Gibb
RJ tells about the last hours with his father: his best friend. More info about his future musical plans, his children, his life on Prebendal and ….. about the big day coming up for him and partner Megan…. Barry Gibb talks to Joe Scarborough on his Podcast
About the documentary and The Bee Gees’ remarkable career.
Marion: GSI 09/23/21
NEWS, September 20
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
Winner announcement at the Emmy’s

Marion: GSI 09/20/21
NEWS, September 1
September 1… a day to celebrate a birthday and an anniversary
Thanks again Tim
Best wishes from GSI today to Barry on his 75th. birthday and of course to him and Linda on their Wedding Anniversary!! “You Win Again”: The Story Of The Bee Gees Hit
The melody for ‘You Win Again’ came to Barry Gibb in a dream, and went on to become an essential anthem of the 80s.
Marion: GSI 09/01/21 for lots of more:
visit GSI Facebook group:
NEWS, Augustus 27
Hopefully Barry will go on stage again to sing live in near future.
Several articles mention the possibility this week.
Fingers crossed!!
The report ( of which a photo is added from Austria TV), in short in English :
Barry Gibb wants to go back on stage Everyone knows his falsetto voice. Barry Gibb wrote and sang with the Bee Gees, has some world hits and was also a successful producer. But his fame also faces personal tragedies. The loss of his three younger brothers, he never got over. Shortly before his 75th birthday, which he celebrates on September 1st, the father-of-5 announces on Instagram his return to the spotlight.
“I can’t wait for this one song to play for you guys again”, he wrote under a video clip.
(Thanks also Robert Widermann).
Marion: GSI 08/27/21
NEWS, December 20th.
Message from Spencer Gibb on Facebook, part 1

This has been an amazing ride. It has also been a tough and painful couple of years for so many people as we all know. I do have some projects on the horizon that I’m very proud of. I am also about to start a new solo record (more info to come soon!) . My plan was to start earlier but the broken leg and drugs made a lot of things hard for about two months. I love you all so much and you have no idea how much I appreciate your love and support over the years. If you’ve been following my career for a long time, through 54 Seconds and any other projects, I thank you so much! If you just discovered what I do, I thank you equally. My goal over the next few months is to make everything I have ever done available online. There are records that have been unavailable due to contractual issues with labels etc. Also there are demos and unreleased stuff from my “vault” that I’m proud of too. Some of it will take a while to figure out ??. There will be a reissue of the 54 Seconds record “Postcards From California” because sadly that became unavailable after a deal with Warner Bothers fell apart. I will also be releasing a limited 20th Anniversary edition of “Coma” next year. Remastered and on vinyl too! Including bonus tracks! So that will be fun. At the same time I will be working on the new solo record I mentioned earlier. I know I’m going to get comments about this regardless, but in all honesty I won’t respond until it’s time to make another post that has more details. I am excited to get back into the studio and make this record. The writing process is almost finished. However, this will be the last record I will ever make. I know this will upset some of you, but I have my reasons and I feel I owe it to all of you to let you know. I won’t release it until I am confident that it will make everyone proud. Thank you again and I hope there’s understanding and love.
Message from Spencer Gibb , August 25, 2021, part 2. Thank you all for your kind words! Really means a lot! More maybe than you realize! I’ve dealt with haters, idiots, death threats and all kind of weird shit over the years. I’m ok with that. I can handle that stuff. Again thank you. That’s not my motive though. Aside from dealing with some personal issues, I will continue to work on musical projects in some form or another. As far as making and writing a record, my whole life has been expressing myself that way. It has been therapy. I have a few more things to say. But not after that. There isn’t anything left. I’m not saying that couldn’t change one day, but as of now I think it’s time to say my final piece and bow out. It’s not supposed to sound morose, just honest.
Marion: GSI 08/25/21
Also follow GSI on Facebook:
NEWS, July 30
Samantha Gibb
New song out now: Spiraling now available everywhere! Just go to ITunes/AppleMusic/Spotify to download or listen!: Cousins Gibb
Finally we are here after a long journey. I give you Bee Gees offspring Cousins Gibb congratulations Nick Endacott Gibb – Debora McLane. Special thank you to Lesley Evans.
First single – “Tragedy”
Thank you to Simon Astley for having Debora McLane on his latest AUS10 radio show. The single Tragedy out today recorded along with her cousin Nick Endacott Gibb:
TomesPR at your service.
Did You Know:
Barbra Asked Richard Marx to sing like Barry Gibb.
“Guilty” (Live Duet With Barry Gibb). Background Vocal: Richard Marx.
Richard Marx meets Barbra Streisand
Marion: GSI 07/30/21
More news and info daily on our Facebook group:
NEWS, July 13
Emmy nominations
Congratulations to The Bee Gees on HBO,
the documentary film “How Can You Mend A Broken Heart”, that chronicles the triumphs and hurdles of brothers Barry, Maurice, and Robin Gibb, on its 6 Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Documentary Special.

Again a new Bee Gees Book
“How Deep Is Your Love”
November 1, by Michael O’Neill (Author)

Marion: GSI 07/13/21
More news and info daily on our Facebook group:
NEWS, July 6
Meanwhile on Douglas Promenade, Isle Of Man !!
The Brothers Gibb statue arrives!!
Read the earlier postings on GSI about these statue plans!!
November 7, 2019
November 8, 2019
November 11, 2019
November 13, 2019
June 17, 2020: – Marion / GSI: “Concerning the plans of the Bee Gees statue on The Isle Of Man, I earlier told you about. Today I heard The Isle of Man government cancelled the unveiling due to the virus and said they would be in touch with The Gibb Family after the Island opens up, to see if one can arrange for Barry to unveil the statue, as far as I know the actual statue was completed by the sculptor at his studio premises prior to the virus.”
April 14, 2021.

Keep following us on GSI Facebook group:
Marion: GSI 07/06/21
NEWS, September 22
Documentary on Blu-ray and DVD !! The Bee Gees: “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart”, the Emmy Award-winning HBO documentary, is heading to Blu-ray and DVD on November 16th via the Warner Archive Collection. The documentary has amassed more than 5.5 million viewers to date since it launched on HBO Max earlier this summer. Both physical editions will include deleted scenes not available on the digital version. This new DVD /Blu-Ray maybe includes some interviews with Barry at his home that were not released and maybe one or 2 songs played at the Spirits Tour but there is also a chance for a 1 hour DVD release of a Spirits concert in the near future. We have to wait and see. Always lots of plans, we keep fingers crossed.
Info for buying
Marion: GSI 09/22/21
NEWS, September 17
In answer to questions …
To GSI and after there has been confusion by fans about the 2021 UK – You Win Again – concerts in which Robin John Gibb would participate in some way:….
GSI likes to mention the following:
Unfortunately the Entertainers Group of the You Win Again shows did something which made it so, that Robin John decided NO longer to start perform in, nor narrate that show!! Fans, who expected to see and / or hear Robin John in these shows might try go get their refunds from the box office.
Robin John’s Legacy Project of which GSI told you about several times before will start February next year. It brings him and his guests first to Scandinavia and other parts of Europe as well as UK too, with after Europe performances in …..Las Vegas etc, for which we are now negotiating. A pity the “You Win Again” show is a disappointment for Robin John. The Legacy Shows to celebrate the music of The Bee Gees will go worldwide with The 3 Egiziano Brothers and their live band and Robin John, Blue Weaver as well as guest performances and dancing and lightning show and more surprises!! These shows are in cooperation with The Gibb family members and so the most authentic and the only rightful Celebration Of The Gibb Music.
Robin John: “The Egiziano brothers are the only -tribute- which I fully endorse and which my dear late father fully endorsed in life. That is why they are worthy of the Legacy Project. And with them I am doing these Legacy Shows”.
Unfortunately many tribute bands sing play back and/or use electronic programs to upgrade their sound of which the audience has no knowledge. The Egiziano brothers and Band (The Italian Bee Gees) sing 100% live. No trying to look, sound, be, act or try to talk or sing like: Barry, Robin and Maurice but just performing being themselves: a group who has lots of respect for the Bee Gees catalog and loves to help keeping that Legacy alive in their own way and with lots of passion and love.
Remember!!: There’s just only one Bee Gees, that’s the real Bee Gees sound …. and no group should ever try to copy them only:… celebrate them and their music!!
Scandinavia, Legacy Tour with
Robin John Gibb, Italian Bee Gees, Blue Weaver….
More info: IBG ktt-legacy-first-quarter-2021 Congrats!!
To The Bee Gees documentary: How Can You Mend A Broken Heart…. winner of The Emmy for Outstanding Sound Editing for a Nonfiction or Reality Program.

Marion: GSI 09/17/21
NEWS, Augustus 13
Whoops, You Forgot Something….HBO Bee Gees Documentary!
Blog by: Sally Hallada of May 12. 2021.

Mark Monroe about The Bee Gees and the recent docu
Mark Monroe (‘Bee Gees’ documentary writer) remembers stealing records from family members to listen to the band [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW] Derek Boonstra and Robert Martinez about The Bee Gees and the recent docu
Derek Boonstra and Robert Martinez (‘Bee Gees’ documentary editors) describe constructing the band’s narrative with only one living member [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW]
Marion: GSI 08/13/21
More news and info daily on our Facebook group:
NEWS, Augustus 7
Foo Fighters troll Westboro Baptist Church protesters with disco-backed call to “love everybody”
On Thursday, as the Westboro Baptist Church picketed outside the band’s show in Bonner Springs, Kansas, the Foo Fighters – dressed in all white as their ’70s alter-egos, the Dee Gees – drove by in a flatbed truck while performing the Bee Gees’ “You Should Be Dancing.” “Ladies and gentlemen, I got something to say. Because you know what? I love you,” Grohl said. “The way I look at it, I love everybody. That’s what you’re supposed to do… I deliver all of my love, and you shouldn’t be hating. You should be dancing.”
Marion: GSI 08/07/21
NEWS, Augustus 5
GSI is happy to announce – DECADES is ready
From now on you can pre order on the website!
Release date October 28, 2021.

Andrew Mon Hughes:
“Those of you who follow closely activity on social media will be aware that we have been in the process of writing a new book for the past year. What was originally intended to be one book has actually turned in to a series of four books which will be published over the next two years. The first of these books, DECADES: The Bee Gees in the 1960s will be published on 28 October. We are thrilled that Robin’s son, Spencer, and former Bee Gee, Vince Melouney have written the foreword to this first volume. We are pleased to advise that our website is now live for pre-orders. Books ordered directly through this site exclusively will be SIGNED by former Bee Gee VINCE MELOUNEY!
Marion: GSI 08/05/21
NEWS, July 19
Foo Fighters As The Dee Gees, Bee Gees Tribute Album Hail Satin
You Should Be Dancing
Night Fever
Shadow Dancing
More Than A Woman Video tips
Robin and Barry Gibb In Manchester.
July 24, 2009 Manchester. Part of a video shooting for documentary In Our Own Time, but not used in that docu. Keppel Road The Life & Music of The Bee Gees
Marion: GSI 07/19/21
NEWS, July 9
Message from the sculptor Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards, the artist behind the Bee Gees sculptures in Douglas, Isle Of Man:
“When the promenade gets paved soon, we’ll be temporarily removing the statues, I’ll amend the teeth of Barry (too separated) and tackle some points about other improvements definitely before they go back.” A new Gibb project
It’s been in the pipeline for some time but now I can announce on GSI The debut single of Debora and Nick: “Cousins Gibb” will be called: “Tragedy” Release: July 30th.
Debora, (daughter of Lesley Gibb and her late husband Keith Evans) and Nick Endacott, (see link of earlier GSI Facebook posting and GSI website Family News of April 25, 2021).
-Two talented people from opposite sides of the world. With the blood of The Bee Gees running through their veins. You can expect pure quality. Nick and Debora. It’s an absolute pleasure to announce your debut single. Coming to TV, radio, press and social media from next week.- (Barry Thomes).
Pre order info and short sound clip:

Marion: GSI 07/09/21
NEWS, July 8
Immortalized in bronze-Bee Gees Stayin Alive statue

At 3 pm local time, finally the unveiling of the Bee Gees Stayin Alive statue took place on the promenade of Douglas which at the moment gets renovated and this new statue on the new promenade will be a tribute to those famous 3 brothers who were born on this island and in this city. GSI Facebook group was about live at the scene thanks to our member Sue C. who was present at the promenade and sent her photos and videos through to GSI only minutes after the unveiling, to be posted on the group, that was awesome!!
Sue C: “Exciting day on the Isle of Man when I found out the Bee Gees statue on Douglas Prom was being unveiled today It was kept hush hush due to the prom being a disastrous building site at the moment. Hopefully a more inclusive event will be held later…. Wish they were here. Hopefully Barry and other family members will visit for an official commemoration once the disaster that is the prom is completed!! Anyway here’s a couple of videos and some photos of this afternoon. I love the statues….Mo is stunning! I’m sad that the sculptor was unable to capture Barry . See what you think. I’m so happy that at last our legends are so specially honoured here in their birthplace.”
Marion / GSI: “The statue is an art impression, a tribute…. to the 3 brothers who were born on this Island and in this city. Fans like it and fans hate it…. Some people compare it too much with real photo material of the boys. It can always be done better but I like it as a true tribute although not all details are the best.”
Click for photo report (26 images)
Some links:
Marion: GSI 07/08/21 more on GSI Facebook group:
NEWS, July 1
Andy Gibb memorabilia
Source: Marion / GSI:
“There are a lot of wonderful Andy Gibb memorabilia which deserve to get a special attention and special place”, that’s what Peta Gibb Weber told me and she is so grateful to have received some wonderful items recently from Chino Rhoades ( husband of the late Bernice Gibb). Bernice had stored a lot of Andy’s belongings and Peta is so happy and thankful to Chino for ensuring that some of these very special treasures are now at Peta’s home following the recent loss of Chino’s dear wife, Peta’s cousin Berry, (Bernice). “These gold and platinum records will be lovingly restored by a specialist once lockdown is over in Australia”, Peta mentioned to GSI. GSI will be posting about the memorabilia later on again when Peta has decided how these items can be best enjoyed by fans in the future. Peta is happy to share this news on GSI today and these Andy memorabilia are definitely not going to live in storage anymore! GSI will keep you posted…. also visit us on the Facebook group for daily updates and more photos etc.

Barry and Linda Gibb
Earlier this week in a public outing running errands in Miami. In answer to many questions GSI receives daily:….. they are doing fine.

Bee Gees Statue by same company as Princess Diana Statue
Today was the unveiling of the new Princess Diana statue in London Terry Ingram, manager of the company who constructed the statue ( Castle Fine Arts Foundry) , mentioned: …. it was a “very proud day” for his team and said that another project for his company is to recreate a statue of the Bee Gees pop group for the Isle of Man, where they were born. GSI has posted about this before. The statue will be placed on the boulevard in Douglas, Isle Of Man.
More on GSI Facebook group Bee Gees Old Clippings
Thanks to fan Jessa F.
As an avid fan of both the Bee Gees and digital newspaper archives, I’ve compiled a few clippings dating from 1967-1975. I hadn’t seen many of these before and thought they may be of interest. Probably my favorite comment (from a 1969 review of ‘Odessa’ published in the Sydney Morning Herald):
“If they [the lyrics] were written down in a school textbook they would probably be called poetry, but here they are, belting at you with electric guitars, bass, cello and drums and delivered by the poignant voice of Robin Gibb. You never had it so good.”
Marion: GSI 07/01/21
Keep following GSI on Facebook daily at:
Gibb Service International
NEWS, June 26
Message from Samantha Gibb
Here’s some info GSI received from Sam about the new song SPIRALING.
It will come out July 23rd.
Sam in her mail to GSI:…… “links below and I also attached a promo video I will be posting later today. When we get closer to release day I will send you some more stuff. You have always been so supportive and I truly appreciate it.
Thanks Marion! …… “
News video

Samantha Gibb’s new song “Spiraling”
“A way to breathe through a lot of what’s going on in the world and gain some real perspective. Spiraling will be the first song I got to write since moving our studio back to Nashville. We had the incredible opportunity to work with not only an award winning singer songwriter but also, a great new friend.”
Pre-Save and Pre-order!
Marion: GSI 06/26/21
More to come Marion / GSI. Keep following us daily on the GSI Facebook group.
NEWS, June 11
Interview Barry
Barry has a 6 page interview in this MOJO issue.

Marion: GSI 06/11/21
NEWS, May 16
Message From Manchester
The Bee Gees , Manchester, Chorlton, Keppel Road
Marion: GSI 05/16/21
(For lots of more info, articles, videos and photos: visit the GSI Facebook group).
NEWS, May 8
Robin John Gibb, back on Facebook!
Below some parts of RJ’s message on Facebook of May 8.
Hello everyone, I’m back
I’ve finally managed to receive and gain full access to my Personal Profile. Any of you who might have wondered what was up, what was terribly wrong, I can reassure them now that I am in good health and spirits and neither did I willingly neglect nor ignore them. The truth of the matter is, my Facebook Personal Profile was indeed compromised by an interloper on the night of 24th of March 2021
I thank all of you who have sent, through Marion Adriaensen and Megan Pankowska Golub, whilst my profile was deactivated, their poignant, sincere and heartfelt words of support and condolences after the very sad and sudden loss of my Aunt Bernice aka Berry.
I also thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all of your congratulations and heartfelt words of love, support and well wishes which we have also received in the wake of our new, big announcement in regards to the new little one’s (imminent) arrival.
I look forward to speaking with all of my friends and followers once again.
Kind regards to you all & keep safe, always.
Much love, Sincerely
Robin-John (RJ) Gibb
(read the full message by RJ. on our GSI Facebook group). VOTE for The Bee Gees – How Can You mend A broken Heart
Bee Gees documentary nominated for MTV Award – Best Music Documentary!! Fan voting for best music documentary will open on MTV’s Instagram Stories on May 10 and close May 11. The winner will be announced during MTV’s first ever MTV Movie & TV Awards: unscripted, which airs Monday, May 17 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. The 2021 MTV Movie & TV Awards air live from the Palladium in LA. the previous night at the same time. Bee Gees amongst nominees of best documentary.
More information on the official MTV Movie & TV Awards website.:
Marion: GSI 05/08/21
NEWS, May 1
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Announces HBO Titles Available on Digital in May 2021
The Bee Gees: “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart” – Available to own on digital May 31: The triumphs and hurdles of brothers Barry, Maurice, and Robin Gibb, otherwise known as the Bee Gees, is chronicled in this documentary, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Frank Marshall (Seabiscuit, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button). The iconic trio, who found early fame in the 1960s, went on to write over 1,000 songs, including 20 #1 hits throughout their storied career. This film follows the Bee Gees’ meteoric rise as they rode the highs of fame and fortune, negotiated the vagaries of the ever-shifting music business and navigated the complexities of working so intimately alongside family.
Marion: GSI 05/01/21
NEWS, April 14
Bee Gees Statue, Douglas, Isle Of Man
In addition to the earlier posted info by GSI about the statue. Here’s the latest update. Listen to audio:
Marion / GSI: “As previous reported on GSI the plan was for the statue to be erected as soon as it was ready/early 2020 and that Barry was going to unveil a commemorative ‘Plaque’ at the statue site on July 4th 2020 and other family members were to be invited. The promenade is being renovated and the statue will probably be erected when those renovations are completed and / or the island reopens. Let’s hope one will re- invite Barry to unveil the plaque at a future date to be determined.
I will keep you posted.”
Marion: GSI 04/14/21
NEWS, April 10
Today in 2012: the world premiere of The Titanic Requiem
Robin-John Gibb about Titanic Requiem.

Robin and RJ. at the recording session of the Titanic Requiem with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at Air Studios, Hampstead, North London. 19 sept 2011. © Sam Pearce
“It was a true 2 year labour of love which ironically in a bittersweet sense became a requiem for my father as well. We played the songs at his funeral as per his final wishes. There’s a lot more material we wrote together for other projects (as well this one as there are songs which we had to cut as the album would’ve been too long) which I’m now planning with influential & significant interested parties in the industry, so hopefully by summer we’ll be releasing that material for you. It’s a long time coming, and I’ve had to finish a lot of it using only demo versions and memo recorders we used at that time (rather like the method I used to finish ‘Sydney’ using his Garageband iPad app’s ‘ideas folder’). Its taken a while to compile and refine but we’re almost there so watch this space.”
Marion: GSI 04/10/21
NEWS, April 4
Zoom chat with Blue Weaver about his career
Thanks Val Weedon
for sharing your zoom chat you had with our friend Blue Weaver

Tim Roxborogh about our Bee Gees
Zoom chat from March 2021, about The Bee Gees between two of my facebook friends Tim Roxborogh and Ricardo Calderon. Update from Dwina Gibb
(some short parts from Dwina’s Easter email to me)
“Dear Marion, Have a wonderful Happy Easter! Hopefully we will be able to all get together again soon. Concerning RJ’s problems, we hope to get it all righted again. Thank you for your amazing assistance. I have just finished writing four Regency novels, one of them a Napoleonic one that I am excited about. My agent loves them so hopefully they will be on the market eventually. I would love to have one of them on Netflicks one day…….. Dwina****”
Marion: GSI 04/04/21
(for lots of more… regularly visit my GSI Facebook group!)
NEWS, June 17
Foo Fighters release Bee Gees music
Foo Fighters Are Re-Branding As The ‘Dee Gees’ To Release A Collection Of Bee Gees Covers The Bee Gees have clearly been living rent-free in Dave Grohl’s head lately!! Foo Fighters announced today that on July 17’s Record Store Day, they are releasing a collection of Bee Gees covers!! The album will actually be credited to the Dee Gees and is titled Hail Satin!.
More info:
Marion: GSI 06/17/21
NEWS, June 14
‘More Than A Woman’:
The Story Of The Bee Gees’ Disco Classic Robin John Gibb performs with Rock Choir
Robin-John Gibb : ” I’m excited and very much looking forward to collaborating and performing with Caroline Redman Lusher’s Rock Choir. Check out Andrew Eborn’s latest interview with her, which I share here, now.
Best wishes to you all xx “
Caroline Redman Lusher reveals she is working on Bee Gees classic Tragedy for Rock Choir and formally invites Robin-John Gibb and Andrew Eborn ( KTT & Octopus TV) to join live on stage at NEC, Birmingham on November 22. 2021.
( Check out 1:06:16)
More info on GSI when available.
Video: Frank Marshall Explores the Enduring Legacy of the ‘Bee Gees’ Some reposts of videos for you
– David Frost Interviews the Bee Gees, 1978
– Robin and Barry Gibb Interview ’78
– The Bee Gees chat with Rosie ODonnell – April 27, 2001
For lots of more…. visit the GSI Facebook group.
Marion: GSI 06/14/21
NEWS, May 25
Bee Gees on TV in Belgium!!
“How Can You Mend A Broken Heart”
The documentary will be aired on Belgium TV (Canvas)
June 3, 2021. At 22.20 (local time).
Marion: GSI 05/25/21
NEWS, May 19
Memories of life in the Keppel Road house by Lesley Evans
Lesley: “Such a lot of memories in that house. Barry saved my life Andy was born Barry started singing in that house It was Xmas night 1955 I got a new dress for Xmas it had a very full skirt I stood with my back to the fire and my dress caught fire Barry pulled the rug off the floor and wrapped it around me. I was badly burned and spent a long time in hospital . I don’t know what might have been if Barry hadn’t done that he was only 9 We had a coal cellar and it had like a small stage, I use to charge the kids a penny to come in and see Barry sing I think it was hound dog”

The Bee Gees Brothers with mother Barbara in Keppel Road.
Spencer Gibb – Q&A
Spencer: I sat down with my friend Samara from Art Decade Creatives to answer fan’s pandemic-related questions. Enjoy! New Bee Gees Film with Dutch disco lights!!
Short GSI translation of video which is in Dutch.
Rico Vrijhoeven from The Netherlands received a phone call from The USA about 2 years ago. He first thought it was a joke and he didn’t pick up the phone but right away received a voice mail message and someone of the US film company Warner Brothers. The fact was the company was looking for the old fashioned disco lamps and they were searching for people who might collect these items. It turned out that Dutch Rico was recommended all over the world for these lamps. In February 2020 just before Corona, someone visited Rico to look at his lamps. The man was very excited to see all the different types of disco lamps Rico had. He wanted to make a deal to get all the lamps over to the USA for about 9 months. Rico asked what Warner was planning with all this stuff and the man said do you know Rocket Man and Bohemian Rapsody….?? Well he said there’s coming another film: about The Bee Gees. The idea is to rebuild the discotheque where the movie Saturday Night Fever was filmed.
The deal was made and in November 2020 a container would arrive to ship everything to America. However before that happened everything was locked because of Corona. Such a pity, chance of a lifetime for Rico but Corona stopped all plans. Until about early April 2021 he received a mail asking if he was still alive!!! And Rico right away had to laugh and think of the song Stayin Alive!! They asked if he still had all the stuff they wanted for the movie. It seemed they were planning to re-start the project again so we are now busy arranging things and I hope after all my stuff will indeed go to America for the Bee Gees film!! Fingers crossed Rico said! This mega deal will be good for Rico after all the Corona trouble which wasn’t good for his business. He’s DJ and couldn’t work last year. If this deal becomes a fact everything for Rico will be okay again and he will be Stayin’ Alive!! Sun Sentinel remembers Robin Gibb
John Merchant tells:
May 19 2012
Away from the spotlight, longtime Miami Beach residents Robin and Barry Gibb, opposites in temperament and creative impulses, had a relationship that was extraordinary even for two brothers. “They had a magical connection,” said John Merchant, veteran producer and engineer at the brothers’ Middle Ear Inc. recording studio in Miami Beach.
More in the article:
Marion: GSI 05/19/21
NEWS, April 21
Sad news
Marion / GSI: Very sad news from The Gibb Family, that reached me in the very early hours of April 16. (Dutch time) Bernice, Lesley’s eldest daughter has suddenly passed away on April 15. (local time, Las Vegas, USA.) More has already been posted and will be posted on: the Family News section of the website and of course on our GSI Facebook group.
In Memory Of Bernice
Repost of older video: special video with lovely photos: the video/song: Berry Gibb-Rhoades – Say a Prayer (Written and Produced by Pat Robinson, Recorded 1989)
Her husband about the family video: Chino Rhoades:
“Well I finally finished the video to Berry’s song hope you like it. Thank you again to all the family and friends that submitted pictures. The thumbnail photo is the last photo on the video is Andy holding Berry. Enjoy!”
The last photo in this video is Andy Gibb holding baby Berry.
Thanks Chino Rhoades (husband of Bernice).
Recently posted video by Bernice’s husband in memory of his wife.
Chino: A song that she recorded shortly before we met and we danced our first dance to as husband and wife.
Marion: GSI 04/21/21
NEWS, April 9
GSI – Update Bee Gees Movie!!
Kenneth Branagh’s untitled Bee Gees biopic has been officially dated for November 4, 2022.!!
Fingers crossed!!
More info when available and keep following the GSI Facebook group daily.
Marion: GSI 04/09/21
NEWS, April 7
Barry on: The Broken Record podcast

Barry Gibb: “I joined Rick Rubin on The Broken Record podcast this week! We listened to some Bee Gees songs together that I haven’t heard in years and also talked about how I made my new album “Greenfields” (plus an idea for what could come next)”.
Listen now! or:
Marion: GSI 04/07/21
Gibb Service International
NEWS, March 27
Robin John Gibb’s account has been hacked this week, including his business account and he’s also disabled by Facebook claiming….. he is – too underage to own a Facebook account- !! Can anyone help us fight this back and get him up and running?
Please submit a complaint.
Just submit/report an issue to the Facebook help center!! Thank you! As soon as RJ has his personal account back he hopes that all his Facebook friends will come back and join again!!
Robin John: “Perhaps a fellow fan can help. Come to think of it, perhaps there is a member of the GSI club who works in the upper echelons of Facebook? Or at least high enough in the ranks to make a difference in this regard? Best wishes, RJ”.
If one has serious ideas of how to help please contact:
All details and updates you will find on GSI Facebook group.
Marion: GSI 03/27/21
NEWS, February 25
Barry Gibb speaking with NBC TODAY’s
Al Roker (USA)
Marion: GSI 02/25/21
NEWS, February 24
Barry talks with The Voice Of America
Interview: “Border Crossings”: Barry Gibb

Marion: GSI 02/24/21
NEWS, February 22
Videos to watch of some of Barry’s interviews.
This week again broadcast in Britain, the 2 videos of The great songwriters – Barry Gibb, part 1 and 2. Enjoy:
In case you’ve missed it live and missed the earlier posting on GSI too: Geoff Edgers of the Washington Post interviewed Barry Gibb last week. A great interview!!

Marion: GSI 02/22/21
NEWS, February 20
Barry and Dolly talk with Ireland

Barry: “It was great to chat with Ryan Tubridy about my new album Greenfields etc. If you missed it you can watch the chat back over on”: The Late Late Show Washington Post interview with Barry
You can listen via Washington Post on Instagram to Washington Post National Arts reporter Geoff Edgers talking with Barry in Miami Beach.
A great, long interview ! Collaboration Barry Gibb and Beach Boy Brian Wilson?!

It all started with some social media postings recently. How cool would that be if these two would team up too! Barry is full of plans about new collaborations so who knows!! Two of the most accomplished members of two of popular music’s most successful brotherhoods shared their admiration for each other on Wednesday (February 17, 2021). It began when the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson praised the Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb on his several social media platforms: “I really admire Barry Gibb,” he wrote. “He is like King Kong. He and I could probably work something up together”. Barry Gibb responded to Wilson’s compliment that same day on Wilson’s Instagram. “You are the reason I’m living,” he replied. “You prove to me that you can do whatever you want to do with your voice and all these years I have just been following you and everything you do. If I’m King Kong then you are Godzilla! Thank you for such a wonderful compliment. We must connect and collaborate as soon as we can. I love you pal ! As I said…you’re the reason. BG”.
Marion: GSI 02/20/21
For much more info and interviews etc. keep following GSI on the Facebook group.
NEWS, February 3
Talking with Barry and Dolly:

Extended interview with global icons Barry Gibb and Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton and Barry Gibb make history
Dolly and Barry are planning a post-COVID double date
Dolly Parton & Barry Gibb On Teaming Up For ‘Words’ Remake From Ghost Twins to: Spencer and Samantha Gibb.
Sam and Spencer have changed their name from The Ghost Twins to: Spencer and Samantha Gibb.
Marion: GSI 02/03/21
(More info, news etc. on our facebook group!).
NEWS, January 31
Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Virtual Gala- one, January 30.
More about the chat with Barry Gibb
A video of the Bee Gees performing “Stayin’ Alive” at an arena led to an introduction of Gibb, who was described by Davis as “the mensch of all mensches” for his graciousness in pulling off a favor for the mogul. Davis described how he met up with Gibb and pulled sheets of paper out of his jacket pocket containing the entire Arista roster, in alphabetical order. In his recollection, the Bee Gee read through the entire list until he got to the W’s, then lit up and started gushing about Warwick. Davis considered him mensch-y not just because he wrote “Heartbreaker” in a matter of days for Dionne but said he would produce it at the studio of her choice, not his, befitting her as both a woman and legend.
Davis said he still couldn’t understand why Gibb didn’t save it for the Bee Gees, but the singer said it wasn’t solely magnanimous: “You’ve got to remember, when I wrote the song, it was a time when the Bee Gees couldn’t get on the radio,” he pointed out, speaking of the post-disco-backlash years. “We thought, maybe if people don’t know we wrote the song, they’ll play it.”
Read all about this first virtual show: CLIVE DAVIS’ traditional PRE-GRAMMY GALA NIGHT 1: A BENEFIT FOR MUSICARES got underway tonight and even though virtual, it was still the hottest ticket in town, with invites and links going out earlier this week. Stephen Gibb of the Barry Gibb Band
Welcome to the Nothing Shocking Podcast 2.0 Reboot episode 25. On this episode our guest is Stephen Gibb of The Barry Gibb Band (Saigon Kick, Crowbar, Black Label Society, 58). In this episode we talk about his dad’s recent album “Greenfields: The Gibb Brothers Songbook, Vol 1,” and the 2020 Bee Gees documentary “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart,” and more!
Marion: GSI 01/31/21
NEWS, January 26
Pre Grammy Gala 2021 etc. with…..Barry Gibb!!
Clive Davis about this years plans of pre Grammy Gala virtual, with stars like Barry Gibb, Alicia Keys and Bruce Springsteen etc. !! The Sony Music Entertainment chief creative officer will host from sunny Miami for the Saturday celebration. This month it has been decided to reschedule the Grammy Awards from Jan. 31 to March 14 due to the pandemic, so he simply decided to honor the original date and then hold a second event on the party’s traditional evening before the Grammy Awards.
“When the Grammys moved to March 14, I had so many wonderful artists already set to join me on 30th and rather than getting into schedules,
I decided to keep it Jan. 30, but also do our traditional night before the Grammys on March 13,” Davis says.
More about the Clive Davis’s two pre-Grammy events.
Clive Davis Hosting the Zoomiest of All Zoom Parties with Everyone from Bruce Springsteen and Barry Gibb to Cher, John Legend to Quincy Jones.
Marion: GSI 01/26/21
NEWS, January 20
The making of “Words” with Dolly.
Barry Gibb – Words (Greenfields Studio Sessions) ft. Dolly Parton. Some more videos and articles
Of the many posted regularly on
GSI Facebook group.
Frank Marshall estimates he spent more than 100 hours listening to Bee Gees music over the past three years. It was “Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)” that got stuck in his head the most often.
Bee Gees fever: Barry Gibb explains why he’s gone country but won’t watch the acclaimed documentary
The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb And Producer Dave Cobb Talk New ‘Songbook’
Barry Gibb joins country partners to bring his songs alive again. ‘I just want my brothers’
Marion: GSI 01/20/21
NEWS, January 17
Happy to announce today
Number One In Australia Too!!
The legendary Barry Gibb takes out his first ever solo #1 on the ARIA Charts as he debuts in the top of the Albums Chart with Greenfields: The Gibb Brothers’ Songbook. Gibb’s third solo album and the follow-up to In The Now (#3 Oct. ’16) sees him teaming up with country stars to reimagine songs from the Bee Gees’ canon such as ‘Words’, ‘Jive Talkin”, ‘How Deep Is Your Love’, ‘Run To Me’, ‘Too Much Heaven’ and more. Collaborators include Keith Urban, Olivia Newton-John, Jason Isbell, Dolly Parton, David Rawlings and Gillian Welch, Sheryl Crow and Alison Krauss. As one third of the Bee Gees – who were inducted into the ARIA Hall Of Fame in 1997 – Gibb topped the ARIA Albums Chart with Live – One Night Only 1 Mar. ’99, Bee Gees Greatest 17 December 1979, Spirits March 1979, and Saturday Night Fever, April 78. At the age of 74, Gibb is the latest in a growing line of comparatively elderly men to enjoy No.1 albums in the recent years, and with the Bee Gees’ first No.1 single having arrived in 1967 it means he now can claim a 53-year span of chart-topping records. Barry Gibb joins country partners to bring his songs alive again. ‘I just want my brothers’
Album trailer / article:
More on GSI Facebookgroup
Marion: GSI 01/17/21
NEWS, January 15
Barry Gibb’s Greenfields becomes his first solo Number 1 on the Official Albums Chart in the UK: “The greatest moment of my life!”

Celebrating the news, Barry told
“There is no such thing as too much heaven. I couldn’t be more thrilled. The past is unpredictable. Today is unbelievable. The greatest moment of my life! Thank you to all of our fans in the UK and all the folks at EMI. You’ve changed my life.
‘Thank You’ video by Barry Gibb
Marion: GSI 01/15/21
NEWS, January 11
YES It’s official
“Greenfields” the duets album of Barry Gibb & Friends Is on course for 1 in midweeks in the UK !

Wow!! Congrats,
Barry Gibb on course for first UK Number 1 solo album with “Greenfields”: The Gibb Brothers’ Songbook (Vol. 1)

Success for Greenfields, Barry in Times Square, New York
One of the many interviews, a pleasant talk with Barry
Barry Gibb On Re-Creating Music, His Lasting Marriage And Those Pants A diminished chord – The story of the Bee Gees.
Marion: GSI 01/11/21
NEWS, January 3
Barry Gibb on CBS, This Morning Barry talked with “CBS This Morning” co-host Anthony Mason about returning to the Bee Gees catalogue and about the new documentary, which he says is too painful for him to watch.
Aired: January 3, 2021
Best Sellers in CDs & Vinyl

“Greenfields”: The Gibb Brothers’ Songbook
(Vol. 1)
Marion: GSI 01/03/21
NEWS, January 3
Happy New Year to all visitors of GSI!!
Soon Barry’s new album will be released: January 8th.
Here already the first 3 releases.
Looking forward to share with you on this website and our facebook group lots of more nice events, projects, great photos, news items and articles this coming year.
Stay tuned, Best wishes, Marion / GSI
“Words of A Fool”
Barry Gibb and Jason Isbell
Barry Gibb, Gillian Welch, David Rawlings
Barry Gibb and Dolly Parton
Marion: GSI 01/01/21
NEWS, March 11
More about the Bee Gees movie
No title yet but ……it will be directed by Kenneth Branagh while and Barry Gibb is executive producer. Hopefully ready in about 2 years from now. Bee Gees covers
Many Gibb songs have been covered through the years and lately many more are being added to that list.
Like these 2 of The Foo Fighters
Marion: GSI 03/11/21
For more news, articles, videos, photos and latest details: keep following GSI on the Facebook group!
NEWS, March 2
Tim’s interview with Sir Barry Gibb Part 2: more exclusive extras and Off-Cuts:
Earlier postings about this interview:
Keep following Tim and read more …. Bee Gees by Tim Roxborogh:
The Roxborogh Report – Category: Bee Gees at: Barry talks to Alec Baldwin

Here’s The Thing with Alec Baldwin Barry Gibb Keeps the Bee Gees Stayin’ Alive
Listen to the complete conversation CAS Awards Nominations

The Cinema Audio Society is out with the nominees for its 57th annual CAS Awards for outstanding achievement in sound mixing. The seven categories spanning film and TV from 2020, with the virtual trophy show is set for Saturday, April 17. Up for the Documentary prize are David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet, My Octopus Teacher, The Social Dilemma and music docs The Bee Gees: “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart” and Zappa. Barry Gibb gives update about Bee Gees Film and his own book
Barry recently mentioned and confirmed in several of his interviews what we already posted a while ago on GSI: that both a book about his life and a film about his life with The Bee Gees are in the works.
The film
Barry: “The biopic- film could be about two years away. You shall see how I saw the world through my eyes, and there are a lot of things that nobody ever knew about. It is a million moments, you know – a million moments that change your life in one day.” The film is to follow the group from the time they arrived in London from Australia and had their first number one hit with ‘Massachusetts’ in 1967. The still untitled movie is yet to get a director but is to be produced by Graham King, who worked on the Queen biopic ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. Paramount Pictures are also involved in the film and have purchased the rights from the Gibb estate to use the original Bee Gees’ classic music. The motion picture is being written by Anthony McCarten, known from ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and more.
The Book
Barry also has an autobiography in the works with his son Ashley, 43, and he teased that the book will contain content not suitable for the screen. He said “There are things in the book that could never be in the film”
. GSI keeps you updated but both projects will take several more years to release.
Marion: GSI 03/02/21
(More info on our Facebook group)
NEWS, February 16
Barry Gibb is part of the Stretford Walk Of Fame
There’s a mural of Barry in Stretford subway!! Barry is part of this Stretford walk of fame that is on the Stretford subway near the town hall it has people on it who are associated with Stretford. The Stretford Walk Of fame is a celebration of people connected to Stretford who have contributed to arts, culture and social and political change within our community and beyond. Selected by local residents and reflecting changing historical boundaries.
Visit the GSI Facebook group for the whole story including photos and video.
Marion: GSI 02/16/21
NEWS, February 13
Barry Gibb achieves global career-high chart debut with “Greenfields”

Another chat with Barry and Dolly
Ryan Tubridy announces Dolly Parton and Barry Gibb will be on next week’s Late Late Show, February 19.
Marion: GSI 02/13/21
NEWS, February 11
2021 Pre-GRAMMY Virtual Gala: How The Annual Clive Davis Extravaganza Adapted To The Pandemic
Morgan Enos, MusiCares, Feb 2, 2021
For celebrities and everyday folks alike, the past year has taken a toll on all of us. As such, an extra glint of humility shone through these interviews.
“I’ve never taken anything for granted, and you’ve never taken anything for granted,” Davis told Barry Gibb. (The latter is having a banner 2020 and 2021 with the HBO doc on the Bee Gees, “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart”, and his duets album with Americana artists, Greenfields: The Gibb Brothers Songbook, Vol. 1.) “To see this album debut at the top of the charts is thrilling for me as a fan, and it’s got to be thrilling for you as the architect.”
“It’s shocking; there’s no question about that,” Barry Gibb replied. “It’s the first No. 1 in 40 years, and that’s something extremely special that I can’t put into words … It was all like a dream, and the whole thing came like a vision, including the title”. Tim Burgess Twitter Listening Party
Some clips of the listening party of February 5th. of Tim Burgess with Barry Gibb about Greenfields etc. on Twitter
Barry: ” In case you missed it. You can replay it here. All the best !”. Review videos of Docu and Greenfields album
How is the Bee Gees Documentary on HBO Max 2020 | Review and Reaction
How is the Barry Gibb “Greenfields” album? New music from the last of The BeeGees Answers to some fan questions
What about the earlier mentioned Barry Gibb Special.
The idea was to broadcast the special with guests around the release of the album, somewhere in Nashville, Barry also mentioned this in his interviews, but because of the pandemic it was not possible. Hopefully this will still take place sometime later. What about a DVD with extra concert footage.
Regarding the DVD with extras that was the plan since Universal and Capitol own the rights. Maybe this year a set with extras will see the light of the day in the US at least. Who knows we have to wait and see if they will finally are going to use the 1979 Spirits concert and the Australian 1971 concert.
GSI will keep you updated. Lorraine Kelly talked with Barry Gibb and Dolly Parton, 11th Feb 2021 on ITV.
Marion: GSI 02/11/21
For lots of more: visit our Facebook group.
NEWS, January 28
The 2021 Hollywood Music in Media Awards

The Hollywood Music in Media Awards (HMMAs) honor composers, songwriters and music supervisors for their work in music for film, television, and video games.
Colin Hay presented outstanding music documentary to the famed act – Bee Gees, for The Bee Gees: “How Do You Mend A Broken Heart”.
Outstanding music documentary/special program: The Bee Gees: “How Can You Mend A Broken Heart” – produced by Jeanne Elfant Festa, Mark Monroe, Nigel Sinclair. Directed by Frank Marshall (HBO Documentary Films / HBO Max)
More about Clive Davis’ Grammy pre parties of this year
Marion: GSI 01/28/21
NEWS, January 22
GSI announcement
Special Bee Gees Day on radio

There will be a “Bee Gees Day” with lots of music and (I believe) interviews on February 1st 2021. On the German radio station WDR 4.
Use this link to go to WDR 4 to listen to the special program:
To all fans: ENJOY Some articles again

Interview: Barry Gibb was ‘terrified,’ but made a brilliant country album in Nashville
The Bee Gees’ Nashville Roots And Branches: This Is Barry Gibb Country The BEE GEES Story (2001)

Nice video to watch: From Dutch TV RTL5. REPOST: the official links.
Listen And Watch Barry Gibb
Instagram: Tim Roxborogh talks again with Barry Gibb.
Here again: article and audio and some off cuts, of my friend Tim. His interview with Barry of January 9, earlier posted on GSI Facebook group!
Thanks again for sharing Tim.
Marion: GSI 01/22/21
For more:
NEWS, January 14
Maurice Gibb, T-shirt transfers.
The winners of the T-shirt transfers are the GSI members:
Connie Engelen. & Carol Graveley.
CONGRATS to both of you!!
Thanks for the cooperation J. Pethers. Barry Gibb’s Greenfields album trailer Chat of Olivia Newton-John & Barry Gibb with D. Cobb (January 7, 2021) Reviews and interviews: Bee Gees
music is hot
Above all that….. Greenfields: Nr. ONE!! Congrats Barry!! The Bee Gees music is very hot these days again, with the new documentary, Barry’s new album and lots of earlier Bee Gees albums doing very well again too.
Some of the latest news info out of the recent chats with Barry:
Some of the many great projects in the pipeline:
The Barry Gibb book , GSI earlier mentioned about, is done by Barry and Ashley. They’re working on it for about 5 years already. Barry is telling and Ashley typing it all down. It will be the whole story, the real story. At the moment they are halfway through the story, after the fever period. Still looking for a final part of the story but it will take some time.
Anyway the Bee Gees documentary will always be the most important of all.
Concerning another upcoming project: The film
Barry: “Spielberg and his company is one of the partners working on it together with Paramount, Stacy Sneider, Graham King. It couldn’t have been a better team. I really have trust in them. At the moment we’re just at the point as to decide who the screenplay writer is which they are going to announce themselves, I cannot tell that right now”.
Barry’s finds it difficult to watch The Docu. and won’t do that. He only saw some parts in the very early stages of the project. “It’s too difficult to see that everyone in my family has gone. I don’t even care if some bits are not true in it. I stopped to worry about those things” Barry said. “Everyone has a different truth”. He does think he can watch the story as told in the upcoming movie as like he said “I am very, very much involved in this project myself”.
After Covid he likes to do some live performances again as well.
Countless interviews, video chats, reviews etc. you can find them all on our facebook group every day. Be sure to watch!. Here’s one more of the many articles:
Marion: GSI 01/14/21
NEWS, January 8
“Greenfields” Release!
Today finally the release of the new Barry Gibb album. “Greenfields”, The Gibb Brothers’ Songbook Vol.1 – Barry Gibb & Friends, a wonderful country pop album. For countless reviews, comments and articles visit the GSI facebook group.

Some articles about “Greenfields” BBC Radio – Steve Wright in the Afternoon
With guest Barry Gibb
Starts at about 1.35:40 The Wisdom Award For Sir Barry Gibb
Congrats!! to Sir Barry Gibb! Winner of the “Wisdom Award 2021” , It will be presented March 31. 2021 at the Dubai Marina in Dubai. An assembly where top innovators and innovative companies of the World are recognized and awarded for their knowledge and contribution to the human race. “The Legacy Project” Concerning: The website and all the upcoming activities of KTT/Legacy. I have posted regularly on the GSI facebook group already and will from now on publish things as well as -Reports- on the GSI website. It will tell everything about the new merchandize, (all ‘official’ and / or ‘family endorsed’) about all the news as well as everything about the new Legacy ensemble with the upcoming tours, livestreams, albums etc. Postings on the GSI website probably will start next week.
Official Criteria merchandize
It’s available again!! To get your official Criteria item:
email Trevor Fletcher at
T-Shirts, Caps and Coffee Cups available $19.95.

Maurice Gibb, T-shirt transfers
Anyone interested in a T- shirt transfer?? I have to give away: some original late 70s t shirt transfers that belonged to Maurice. I am happy to send 2 out to fans. Just send me an email with your name and ….. why you think you should win and get one!!
Please send your email ( and only if you send by emails you will be able to participate in this raffle: and before January 12. 2021. The 2 winners will hear this by email and receive the transfer and they will also be mentioned on GSI website/facebookgroup.

Some of the many videos / interviews posted on facebook today.
New Zealand Exclusive: Sir Barry Gibb talks to Tim Roxborogh about his new album Greenfields
Barry Gibb in The One Show,Jan 8,
Barry’s interview on National Public Radio this morning, January 8
Marion: GSI 01/08/21
for much more information, videos, articles etc. follow the GSI facebookgroup.