"Barry and Robin"
Some items mentioned at the Barry and Robin chat of April 2nd.
Concerning a possible world tour the brothers answered that they at this point are planning all sorts of things again however nothing can be announced yet. Many things are possible though for the near future… Their greatest and proudest musical achievement is no doubt: song writing. A song once written lasts for life and they are song writers in the first place… Their childhood memories are both connected with accidents and so they remember having been in many hospitals… What have they been doing in Britain lately? Barry came over with his family in the first place to pay tribute to his mother in law. They all went to Scotland for the burial of May Gray and met relatives and friends. Since then he mostly has been relaxing and reading at his British home and met with Robin who lives about 30 minutes away from him. Robin has been reading a lot too lately and watched videos… While being kids they always imagined becoming famous and then having cameras, giving interviews and performances at home etc… They both seem to have ghosts and ‘presences’ in their houses. Robin: ‘Living people and dead people too’!!…… The unreleased material like A Kick In The Head is mentioned, of which there’s lots of interest, and the nice experience Robin had working together with G4… And of course the important question whether they are going to compose again: Yes they will. It is very difficult for them however to explain what they will do, because they are trying to find their own level of comfort as 2 persons instead of 3, having been very isolated mentally and emotionally after they lost Mo, that it is not a band that has lost a member, but three brothers that have lost one…
They mentioned the plans of doing more home movies with both of them….. They are most interested in other artists at the moment who do acoustic type of productions, with little instrumentation… How do they usually spend their days: they prefer the afternoons and nights above the mornings. The afternoon is better for getting up and they both like reading a lot… When the war in Iraq is mentioned they do not really have a comment on that. They just do not like any war… Their favourite places in the world are for Barry Australia and for Robin Europe, like Bavaria in Southern Germany as he likes the European climate… They would like to write music for movies however do not have specific plans at this point… They talk about Valentines Day and possibilities to organize a BG fan gathering however this should be in a place that fans can easily get to so not easy to plan… They dream of remaining productive in the world of pop music and mention an award of which they cannot tell any details yet… They talked about the certain markets in the world which are more interested and Bee Gees music orientated then others… They love the web chats like they do right now in the chat room at Barry’s. It reminds them of how they as young kids pretended to interview each other only then there was no real camera but a fake one … They were asked about the changing of the lyrics of Jive Talkin’ which in fact means -lying- according to Arif Mardin… About the Johnny Cash house Barry bought and that they never met Johnny Cash but certainly both love country music and artists who do country music. Barry is a Cash fan… Barry also mentioned to love being granddad and Robin has just found out some more again about his ancestors.. Concerning Love And Hope of last February they have no intention to release the performance on film as it was a special charity occasion which they loved to appear at together again after a time of problems and chaos and this performance showed them what they were capable of doing. Barry, Robin and Ash are asked if there will ever be a Bee Gees I-pod, however they do not know…