Photos of the meeting of Beryl Longuet with Barbara and Barry Gibb after many years.
2013, copyright David Longuet. 

Visit to the Mythology concerts in Australia

Report by Henk Goosens for GSI.
Photo copyright: Henk Goosens.

Mythology Tour Barry Gibb, February 2013

After the announcement of Barry Gibb in 2012 for plans to visit Australia for concerts this in remembrance of his three brothers Andy, Maurice and Robin, I was immediately enthusiastic for this ideas, it became reality and plans for dates and venues where announced. My thoughts where that it maybe cold be the last opportunities for meeting Bee Gees fans and the crew and experience the Bee Gees music. Because of no further future plans of Barry I decided to travel to Australia and visiting the concerts in Sydney, Melbourne and both performances in Brisbane. The Redcliffe activities of Barry were al so a very strong reason to see and follow Barry and the Family there as well. It was exiting to plan and order the tickets for the concerts, 

make Hotel reservations and order Domestic flight Tickets for traveling in Australia between Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, make car rental reservations and so on. I started the journey on January 5, 2013, departure from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, via stop in Singapore to Sydney, I arrived on February 7, 2013 early in the morning.

I have made reservation in Sydney Darling Harbour, perfect location and on walking distance from the Sydney Entertainment Centre. Before I travelled to Australia I have been in contact with Dick Ashby who connected me to Stephanie Hagger from the Australian Bee Gees Fan Club located in Hobart on Tasmania. Stephanie was in contact with Dick Ashby to organize the eventual planned sound check before the concerts among further fan contact and support during the tour. Before the first Concert in Sydney it was decided by Barry no sound check before this Australian Concert. Stephanie’s idea was to have a fan get together in the Hotel she stays which was near the concert venue SEC, fans came to that short fan meeting from young school girls to older people (like me) who have been fan for such a long time. Then the first Mythology Concert was started, the venue was sold out totally and the public was so excited when Barry enter the hall and climbed on stage, his fans gave him a very, very warm welcome, Barry was very emotional when he experienced the warm welcome of the fans/public

Rehearsals Steve
left: Sam, Paul and Julian right: Barry arrives for rehearsals

The concert was very good, sound was perfect. Barry, Steven and Samantha Gibb performed in a very professional way, good sound and good performance. When Barry started to sing “I Started A Joke” after a view lines the big Video Screen showed the late Robin Gibb singing the rest of the song, the public was after to be surprised, very still during Robin performing on the screen, when the song was final the public stand up an gave Barry a standing ovation which last for minutes and minutes, I shared a tear with almost everybody in the hall and on stage, this I will never, never forget. It was so much worth to travel to Australia and have this experience. Three more Concerts for me to come. On February 10, 2013 checked out Hotel and travel to Sydney Airport for Domestic flight to Melbourne. After arrival in Melbourne and checking in the Hotel, I visited Melbourne and looked around in the City, which was very pleasant, in between I have been in contact with Stephanie Haggar, and we have meet in Melbourne and have some talks about the concerts our GSI/BGI experience with the Bee Gees over so many years, we having diner and then prepare for the next concert. February 12, 2013 day of the Melbourne Concert, Barry has given approval for some fans to participate in the sound check in the Melbourne Arena; Stephanie prepared this participation list for Dick Ashby’s approval.

Time for saying hello to the fans

The Melbourne sound check was very good, to see Barry again and see the crew Samantha and Steven among all others which we have meet before, like Tim Cansfield and John Merchant not to forget, Barry came to us after the sound check and talked, signed pictures and give us a lot of time to say hallo. Then the magic was over because Barry left, for me it is magic to see Barry who is such a nice person and a gentleman. We left the Rod Laver Arena to have some diner in Melbourne and waiting to return to the Arena attending the concert, unfortunately after a short Diner I get a stomach attack (Bacteria) which forced me to go back to the Hotel and go to bed, I was not able to participate in the Melbourne Concert, fortunately I have two more in Brisbane. Next Morning February 13, 2013, feel much better and ready for traveling, travel to Airport for Domestic flight to Brisbane. After arrival in Brisbane I travelled to the Radio Studio “Australia 4BC” from Fair fax Media in Brisbane for an interview about fans and the Mythology tour which I was invited for, the interview was very pleasant to do and the people where very nice and friendly, after this radio interview I travelled to the Hotel which I booked in Brisbane Centre, great City,

I have planned to stay in Brisbane until February 19, 2013, and fly home on February 20, 2013, in this period planned to visit two concerts in Brisbane Entertainment Centre which venue is located half way between Brisbane and Redcliffe. During our meetings in Melbourne Stephanie offered me a room in Redcliffe, she rented as well a room in the house of friends which have a big house and a room available, I accepted this and stay only for one night in Brisbane. February 14, 2013, this became a very historical day for Redcliffe City because this day Barry will reveal the statue and open Bee Gees Walk Way. After my arrival in Redcliffe on this February 14, 2013, it was almost impossible to park my rented car, I contacted Stephanie and we meet and walk to the crowd to the Hotel Barry was staying, it was just before Barry and Linda cam down to have this get together/Party with all important people before the walk away and the statue was officially opened, during the party I have the chance to meet and talk to Linda Gibb for a while, she looks great and it was an honor to meet her again after years.

A Walk Along the Bee Gees Way in Redcliffe (17 images)  
After all festivities in Redcliffe Barry and the party left for the Hotel and have some private plans with their family during the time until the next concert on February 16, 2013, in between we have explored Redcliffe and the area. I was invited by Stephanie and al so the land lord for diners and lunches, the time between February 14 and February 16 and 16 February and 19, February 2013 was a well spend time we have visited all the places the Gibb Family lived before they returned to Great Britain. I have the opportunity to visit not only the concerts on the February16/19 but al so the sound checks which I was together wit fans from New Zealand and Japan, I talk to Barry and Dick Ashby and loved the concerts they sound better and better after the band played more concerts

Rehearsals Sam, Steve and Barry with band and singers
Julian and papa Paul are watching mama Sam doing her rehearsals
a chat with the fans
I was not able to follow Barry and his crew to New Zealand and for the last Concert February 27, 2013 back to Sydney because of obligations in Europe and planned business trip to Miami. I had the time of my live in Australia following Barry and the Mythology Tour. I hope he will plan more of these concerts in Europe (Holland) or the USA, lets wait and see,
Thank you Barry, Linda, Dick and crew for giving me a great time,

See you soon, somewhere, someday

GSI Representative
GSI President