In her New Year’s Day Honours List for 2002, Queen Elizabeth II of Britain honoured Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb as Commanders of the British Empire, for valuable service and honour to Britain. Their official statement on learning of the honour was
“We are overwhelmed, deeply honored, and very proud to be British.
God save the Queen.
Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb”
Later, from his home, Maurice added this reaction:
“I don’t think there’s any greater honour for someone who’s British born. To have something like this happen to you, it’s just beyond the realm of dreaming! It’s indescribable, it really is, I’m speechless, and Barry and Robin are the same. This is the first time I’ve had phone calls with them when they haven’t said anything. They’re just taking a deep breath, going ‘Is it true?’ “
It most definitely was true and finally May 27th. 2004. Barry and Robin received the CBE award at the Palace in London together with their nephew Adam who collected the award in honour of his late father Maurice.
AP Photo/John Stillwell
AP Photo/ Mike Moore
Some of the reports published about this very special Event:
Surviving Bee Gees collect CBEs “BBC News”
Royal honors for Bee Gees “CNN.com”
Brothers Gibb Say the Bee Gees Are Done “Yahoo News”
Surviving Bee Gees collect CBEs “UTV”
Bee Gees Honored In London “Billboard.com”
Bee Gees get their Cee Bee Ees “Manchester Online”