In a letter to GSI, Dwina Gibb tells about
Robin’s family, the musical legacy, future plans and ideas and her career.
Bee Gees music legacy
About the legacy of The Bee Gees music she talks about other artists performing BG music and tells me she also knows about the 3 Italian Egiziano Brothers who are touring through Europe with former BG bandmember Blue Weaver, performing the BG music live on stage. Dwina: ‘Yes, I do know of the Italian brothers who sing and who have worked with Blue Weaver. Robin liked them very much. I do believe that the Bee Gees met them all.’
Robin’s headstone at St. Mary’s church yard
Fans are wondering and asking me many times why there still is no head stone for Robin’s grave. Dwina: Robin’s headstone has been sourced from a mountain in Wales. We often visited this place in Wales en route to my parent’s home in Ireland. We had to wait for a long time for the ground to settle here in Thame, because of the fact that St. Mary’s Church has nine layers of tombs below, the Churchyard being almost a thousand years old. We also had terrible flooding around Thame. Our fields are still lakes at the moment. However, we do have a special award winning sculptor, Martin Cook, who is currently working on the headstone.
I feel that the family and fans will like it.’
The latest about Robin’s solo album etc.
Dwina: ‘Robin’s solo album will also come out later this year. The songs are beautiful and his vocals magnificent as usual. We miss him and his voice terribly. Sadly, Ollie, our Irish wolfhound recently passed over. Ollie used to stand behind Robin when he was singing at the keyboards and he would lean against him just listening to the music. Robin would ruffle his head every so often. Wherever Robin was, Ollie was there. We have many photos of them sitting or walking together in the garden’.
Will there be a place for Robin on the internet in future
Dwina:’Robin’s website will re-open soon as a place of special memories, and will have information and links to other family sites.’
Are there still plans for a memorial service
Dwina: ‘Eventually, we will have a memorial service in London when the time is right and we are not hurting so much from our loss. It will be a celebration of his life.
Robin John’s musical plans and Robin’s musical legacy
Dwina: ‘RJ is working on his own pop album and also on a classical World War I Memoriam. The Titanic Requiem will have a series of concerts soon, some with holograms and some as orchestral pieces.’
About her grand child and her family
See: GSI Family News (including some nice photos of Max)
Dwina’s own career
Dwina: ‘My Irish comedic play: Last Confessions of a Scallywag will be shown at The Mill at Sonning Dinner Theatre from 31 July – 24 August and then 5 September – 27 September. It is directed by Sarah Jane Berger. Online booking: or Box Office Reading (0118) 969 8000. ( I also have a Regency Mystery Romance eBook on Amazon Kindle, Mythwood Books, and iBooks, called: Pandora’s Dilemma; and I am currently writing another play and other works.
I hope this has answered some of the questions.
Love to all,’