This report shows you some photos, reviews, clips, comments, etc. of
Massachusetts, part 2

April 2015
After the break the Massachusetts team continued their tour in Oberhausen
some more photos, reviews, clips, comments etc.

This second part of the tour the show visited the following cities:


Ready for part 2 of the tour

April 2015
After the break the Massachusetts team continued their tour in Oberhausen
some more photos, reviews, clips, comments etc.

This second part of the tour the show visited the following cities:


March 1st Leipzig, Haus Auensee
An emotional day, an emotional concert. Tonight the Massachusetts show: on the same stage where Robin Gibb performed his last big concert before he died.

Fan review
 Wir waren zum Musical Massachusetts im Haus Auensee Leipzig, waren total begeistert , sehr gute Stimmen, auch die Tänzer begeisterten das Publikum, falls die Band nochmal nach Leipzig kommt, werden wir das Konzert wieder besuchen, große Klasse, weiter so….
 We’ve been to the musical Massachusetts in Haus Auensee Leipzig, were thrilled, very good voices, also the dancers enthralled the audience, if the band is again coming to Leipzig, we will visit again the concert, great.

Photo report  Leipzig  © A. and D. Wange (6 images)  

Kurhaus Wiesbaden getting ready for the show. © Letizia Mongelli.

March 6th. Kassel, Kongress Palais, Stadthalle
Newspaper review Kassel

Photo report  Kassel  © Peter Kleier (7 images)  

March 7th. Fellbach, Schwabenlandhalle
Newspaper review

March 8th. Wiesbaden, Kurhaus

Kurhaus Wiesbaden getting ready for the show. © Letizia Mongelli.

Newspaper review

Photo report  Wiesbaden
© Michael Kohlhaas (6 images) Italian Bee Gees in black and white.  

Fan reviews Wiesbaden
 IBG, immer wieder gerne zu hören und sehen. Die 3 Jungs waren einfach super. Blue Weaver der Orginal Keyboarder der The Bee Gees von 1975 bis 1980 auch bei Live-Auftritten begleitet hatte, tat sein übriges dazu. Ich hatte das Musical schon einmal in Mainz gesehen und werde es immer wieder gerne wiederholen. Vergessen möchte ich aber auch nicht die Tanzgruppe auch an diese ein dickes Lob und allen anderen Musikern.
 IBG, always like to hear and see. The 3 guys were just great. Blue Weaver the original keyboardist of the Bee Gees who accompanied them from 1975 to 1980 also at live shows, did very well too. I had seen the musical before in Mainz and want to see it again and again. I won’t forget the dance group and all other musicians who were great too.

 Bin total begeistert. Besonders haben mir die Songs gefallen, die nur mit der Gitarre begleitet wurden. Da kamen die Stimmen richtig gut rüber.
 I’m totally impressed. Specially I loved the songs which were accompanied only by guitar. The voices came over really well.

 Stimmlich kommen die drei Jungs den Originalen fast gleich , das gilt für alle Höhen und Tiefen. Tolle Musik und guter Sound. Die Show, tänzerische Darbietung und das Bühnenbild sind ok, der Sprecher stellt sich m.E. selbst zu sehr in den Mittelpunkt.
 Vocally the three guys almost get the originals, this goes for the high and the low voices. Great music and good sound. The show, the dance performances and the stage are ok, the speaker I think turns himself too much in the center.

 Geile Show Wiesbaden. Schade nur das die Bässe oftmals die Gesangstimmen der Jungs total unterbuttert hatten. Wenn die Bässe mal weg waren, konnte man dem Ohrenschmaus voll genießen.
 Great show in Wiesbaden. A pity I hardly could enjoy the voices as the bass sounds were often too loud.

March 11th. Birthday Blue Weaver

Birthday Blue Weaver. © Laura Ugolini

Posted on Facebook by Blue Weaver:
Massachusetts Tour 2015 – Thank you to all the audiences in Germany who have made it such a pleasure to play. I am really lost for words, I never ever expected to get standing ovations, I’m sure it’s as much for the Egiziano Brothers, Band and Ladies as for myself…Blue enjoys playing BG music again, here with guitarist Ivan

Vielen Dank, es hat mir große Freude bereitet, vor so großartigem Publikum in Deutschland zu spielen. Mir fehlen die Worte. Niemals hätte ich ‘standing ovation’ erwartet. Danke den Egizianobrüdern, der Band und den Sängerinnen, die dies möglich gemacht haben...

March 15th. Crailsheim, Hirtenwiesenhalle

March 19th. Chemnitz, Stadthalle
Dennis Bryon, who was drummer in the original Bee Gees Band, visited the Italian Bee Gees and their show in Germany for some days. He might join the IBG and Blue Weaver next year on tour!!

Photo report  Chemnitz  © A. and D. Wange (4 images)  

March 20th. Halle, Georg-Friedrich-Händel Halle

Blue enjoys playing BG music again, here with guitarist Ivan
Dennis Bryon talks about the show during rehearsals.
Tonight Dennis Bryon is part of the Meet and Greet after the concert.

March 21st. Berlin, Tempodrom
Marion / GSI:
It’s been my wish for many years and slowly we are getting there:
To have the former Bee Gees Band together again and hopefully playing together again on stage.- This week ( from March 17, 2015) Dennis and his wife Kayte Bryon visited Germany and joined Blue Weaver to watch some of the Massachusetts shows Blue is doing with The Italian Bee Gees at the moment. Hopefully this will result in a future cooperation on stage with The Italian Bee Gees and Blue….
Dennis Bryon was part of The Bee Gees like Blue Weaver and Alan Kendall in the most successful period of The Bee Gees.
Tonight in Berlin Dennis is doing a short performance.

Review Berlin

Photo report  Berlin  © Peter Kleier (9 images)  

March 23rd.
Marion / GSI: The tourbus made the 8 hours journey from Berlin to Mettmann (near Koln) where we met everyone in the late afternoon at the hotel. That same evening there’s no concert but instead…….. we all together celebrated the birthday of Anja Wange in the bar of the hotel gathered around (of course!!) the piano! Dancing, talking, but most of all: singing….. until very late in the night, what fun that was!!

Blue and Roberto playing and the others singing, singing, singing.....© A+D Wange.
Me and Sigrid Weaver
around the piano, Blue, Laura and Anja, © A+D Wange

March 24th. Koln, Theater am Tanzbrunnen
Marion / GSI: After the birthday party of last night everyone did take it easy today as tonight there would be another concert to give. We all stayed a bit in and around the hotel and in the early afternoon we all gathered in the lobby to go by bus to the next venue.

Photo report  Koln  © A. and D. Wange (8 images)  

Marion / GSI After the concert and Meet and Greet we all came together again in the restaurant to have a drink and a bite before the bus would bring us back to our hotel. It was time for another tour break and the following day everyone went home for a few weeks. Except for…. Roberto. We brought him to the Koln airport for his flight to England to do some gigs their with his other band Soul Pains.
More Massachusetts in: part 3