Singen, Germany – 16. January 2013

For all of us it was a pleasant surprise to see the show. The show is divided in two parts of about 70 minutes and in between there’s a break of 20 minutes. Jessi, the moderator tells in German and English the story of The Bee Gees with excitement and laughter. He talks with the audience regularly when the artists on stage change clothing etc. During the show you can see all kinds of photos, videos and interviews of The Bee Gees on a big screen. Very special and emotional for artists as well as audience were the moments in the show where one did pay attention to each of the brothers who had died: Andy, Maurice and recently Robin. There were also new songs added like This Is Where I Came In, introduced in a special way. Next to that there were the wonderful harmonic and professional performances of The Italian Bee Gees and band with Blue Weaver. Blue played together with the band on several hits like Night Fever, You Should Be Dancing while on stage the German John Travolta: Patrick Dudek danced to the music with lots of passion. There were so many special moments …….

The Egiziano brothers sing and play together with Bee Gee legend Vince Melouney

Like for Andy: Our Love, Don’t Throw It All Away and the beautiful Songbird and of course the all time classic hit: How Deep Is Your Love. Many people in the audience used lightning sticks to create more atmosphere in the hall. The most emotional song of the evening no doubt was Saved By The Bell, performed with so much feeling and passion by Davide Egiziano while for all fans at the same time the most tragic photos and videos where shown on the screen of the announcement on German TV of Robin’s death on May 20th. 2012 and his burial in Thame on June 8th. 2012. Lots of people were standing during the song performance with tears in their eyes. A very nice surprise was the performance of a group of 11 young dancers on the music of Stayin Alive. At the end of the show the audience wanted more and more Bee Gees music, they clapped hands and asked and yelled: we want more…..!! Finally they got what they wanted and the band came back with more songs: Night Fever, I.O.I.O. and of course: Massachusetts. It had been a wonderful first performance of this very special concert/musical: Massachusetts.


After the shows the artists like to spend some time with their audience and the people will get a chance to say hello to The Italian Brothers and Blue Weaver, get some signed items or even a nice photo.

Gibb Service International