“You Make Me Feel So Young”
“Three Coins In The Fountain”
“The Way You Look Tonight”
then continued with:
“Secret Love” (the old classic)
“Days of Wine and Roses”

Barry then took to a stool, and began to talk about Maurice. He said that to him, “Maurice was not a Bee Gee…Maurice was my brother. I am not very good at discussing my feelings, but this song says how I feel about Maurice…” Barry then began the song “Send In The Clowns”, while a video highlighting Mo’s life played on the large video screens at either side of the stage. Barry was visibly moved throughout the song, and most everyone in the room was in tears. At the conclusion of the song, Barry (and Maurice) received a standing ovation.
Barry then continued with:
“Strangers In The Night”
“In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning”
Barry then said goodnight, waving, and left the stage. He returned to sing as an encore:
“Swinging On A Star” (the evening’s theme)
Then he again bid us all goodnight, thanked us for coming, and waved to all areas of the room. Barry looked in fine form, and he has never sounded better, vocally. Most importantly, he seemed to thoroughly enjoy himself on stage!
More details and many more pictures will be in the BGFCTM‘s Dimensions magazine!
Click here for some more photos taken by Karen/Klouie during the Ball.