News, May 25, 2024.
The Bee Gees Biopic / and Merchandise news
Things are finally getting closer……. after difficult years with the changing of teams and of course Covid as well as a huge strike in the USA…. we are now following all work and details concerning the upcoming biopic of The Gibb brothers !!
Ridley Scott is still slated to direct the project and is busy researching it now. Soon there will be made plans for Barry, Yvonne and Dwina to meet with Mr Scott and discuss and make more plans for the project. All 3 families are involved of course and Barry is also executive producer of the biopic like earlier mentioned.
Recently Barry, Dwina and Yvonne have signed a Bee Gees merchandising agreement with ‘Bravado’ who are currently working on designs to submit to them for approval. I am not quite sure when the first items would be available but I imagine already before the end of this year !!
As for merchandising in relation to the biopic that would in all likely be produced in tandem with the movie release ( 2025 / 2026). More details here, when available.
-Marion / President Official Bee Gees Fan Club