Some reviews, photos and remarks made during the first part of the tour
Intro on You should be dancing -short-
(millennium concert)
More than a woman
Spicks and specks
I’ve gotta get a message to you
NY mining disaster 1941
To love somebody
Lonely days
If I can’t have you
Nights on Broadway
Jive talkin’
Night fever
You should be dancing
Intro (One night only)
You win again
Saved by the bell
Acoustic medley
(Holiday, Run to me, Lollipop, In the morning, World, I can’t see nobody)
This is where I came in
Don’t throw it all away (our love)
How deep is your love
Stayin’ alive
Reprise usually we play:
Night fever I.O.I.O. Massachusetts

Pasquale, Davide and Walter Egiziano
16-01-13, Singen
After the rehearsing in Italy and the week of rehearsals in Germany it was time to go on stage. The premiere show of Massachusetts was in Singen. (see special premiere report) All of the team was pretty much excited before the start of the new tour as this time there were more and other elements involved in the show. Everyone was ready and happy to start this tour with special guest this time: Blue Weaver (keyboard player for many years of the original Bee Gees and good friend of The Egiziano Brothers).
16-1-13, before the show, Blue:
First concert tonight…Music is great! Band is great! Laura & Laticia are great! the E Geez (Egiziano Brothers:-)) are great! Patrick Dudek (Tony Manero) is great! let’s hope all is…’Saturday Night Weaver’ is back in town…The Bee Gees live on through their music…
16-1-13, after the show, Blue:
1 gig down only 52 to go. Great audience reaction in Singen, if this is anything to go by all should be great. I am so lucky to be able to re-create those wonderful times with such great musicians, singers and dancers. Thank you all and I promise to play in your key tomorrow (shows how great they are I was in a dream and started How Deep Is Your Love in the key of Eb instead of E, thought I was back on stage in 1979)…
Review of premiere show
Short translation:
Premiere of the tribute musical celebrating the legendary Gibb Brothers in the Stadthalle
Three brothers, three special voices which still make people excited we talk of course about The Bee Gees. The legendary three brothers formation from Britain unfortunately doesn’t exist anymore but they live on in the tribute band: The Italian Bee Gees. The band of the brothers Walter, Davide and Pasquale Egiziano celebrated the premiere of their new show: Massachusetts in the Stadthalle of Singen. During the show there’s an actor who tells all kinds of information about the Bee Gees to the public being a BBC reporter, however there should have been some more music also in the first part of the show. That really happens in the second part when the Egiziano Brothers and their band sing one world hit after another,

Blue and Dani drink to the success of the Massachusetts premiere
very much sounding like the real Bee Gees, which gives a great atmosphere in the hall. With songs like: You Win Again, Juliet, How Deep Is Your Love, Stayin’ Alive etc. the audience enjoys The Bee Gees, their heroes, again. They stand up clap hands and dance to the music and even sing along with all the songs and love the performance of the Italians. The three Italian brothers just stand and sing and that’s really enough and this way the legendary music of The Bee Gees lives on perfectly. Next to that there’s also Blue Weaver who, as keyboard player, was part of the Bee Gees Band from 1975 until the early 80ties. and makes this show with his performances even extra special. At the end of the show many happy faces are leaving the hall and lots of them take the special chance to get an autographed photo of Blue Weaver and The Italian Bee Gees as a special memory to this evening. All in all a very good show……which could even be better with a little less talking in between according to reporter:
Egon Schneider for Sudkurier.
17-01-13, Ravensburg
Blue Weaver: 2nd gig Ravensburg. Audience absolutely amazing, on their feet from start to finish and all the young local girl dancers look great and are really enjoying dancing ‘Disco Style’. Would love to play in the US again but the show is currently only being promoted in Germany…
Photo impression of the show in Ravensburg:

Relaxing after the second show with Patrick Dudek, Tony Manero
18-01-13, Offenburg
Review of the show
Regio Trends
Short translation:
“Fridaynight-Fever” in the Oberrheinhalle!
“Bee Gees” with original band member Blue Weaver.
It was not a musical like you would have expected but the music was very close to the original. During ‘the musical’ there is a reporter telling in detail the live story and career of the famous group in between the live performances of the band. The audience enjoyed the show and mostly stand up singing all songs together with the group and clapped hands. Hit after hit starting with Spicks And Specks, New York Mining Disaster 1941 and from the successes of Saturday Night Fever to the solo projects of each of the Gibb Brothers ( like, Juliet, Saved By The Bell) etc. An almost endless list of Gibb penned hitsongs also those that were performed orginally by other world stars like If I Can’t Have You, Immortality etc. very professionally performed by the two lady backing vocalists of The Italian Bee Gees. The cream on the cake then was the performance of Blue Weaver, an original Bee Gees Band member who worked with The Bee Gees for many years. With the applause the audience proved that they liked the work of Blue’s keyboard playing very much! Everyone including Blue Weaver is very impressed by the quality of this tribute band with the three Italian Brothers, their 4 band members and 2 female vocalists: “when I close my eyes I hear again The Bee Gees and I feel I’m back on stage performing with them again!” Great final then after about three hours with a local dance group of the Offenburger Balletstudios Marcus Wegel.
Blue Weaver: 3rd gig Offenburg. If it continues like this I am going to run out of expletives. Amazing! The great thing about this tour is everyone is a star!
Badische Zeitung:
Blue Weaver: performed close to the original.
The Bee Gees are not forgotten and the three Italian Brothers the Bee Gees cover band: The Italian Bee Gees celebrated all the hits with their audience in the Oberrheinhalle. It’s not clear why the production is called ‘musical’. It’s the music the audience came for and that’s what they got from the Italians!!

© Weizenecker
20-01-13, Mannheim
Blue Weaver:
Mannheim concert, largest audience yet and on their feet from start to finish incredible applause when tributes to Andy, Maurice and Robin were performed.
Nostalgia in falsetto
by Nicole Hess
There are already musicals about Abba, The Beatles, Michael Jackson so why not The Bee Gees, a group with so many hits you can easily fill a 3 hours show. And with Walter, Davide and Pasquale Egiziano you have three Italian brothers who resemble The Bee Gees very much. They are the stars in Massachusetts. You’ve gotta be a very cynical person when you not have to wipe away some tears of emotion visiting this show. During the song “I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You” an older man puts his arm around the shoulder of his wife and gave her a hug. They probably had very good memories of times when this song was a big hit!! The story of The Bee Gees was at the moment of this hit already going on for quite some years and with the title song of this musical: Massachusetts the Bee Gees just had their first number one hit the year before. An actor told the audience about all kinds of special moments in the lives of The Brothers Gibb. How they started, about their move to Australia and back again and their first performances and their break through etc. He also mentions the darker sites in the career of the group. The money spending when they were still so young, the break up etc. And then how Barry, Robin and Maurice united again because with their special harmonies they just sounded better together. Also the Italian Bee Gees who were standing here in the stage in Mannheim did their job very, very good even when they had to sing the falsetto parts. It sounded great. There was no special Barry, Robin or Maurice type but they all divided the singing parts between the three of them and they looked great in their totally black, and glittering gold suits. Their sound and live performance in combination with the guest actor, dancers, film, photo and interview clips the show had found a good balance between tribute and documentary. Also the choice of the set list was perfect. it’s amazing to find out how many Bee Gees penned songs there really are and next to that also quite a number of songs written for other artists. Also there was a lot of dance in the show like the German John Travolta dancer Patrick Dudek. Blue Weaver, the original keyboard player of The Bee Gees, was special guest. Even the audience was dancing and had a lovely nostalgic night.
audience reviews:
-A great show of about 3 hours of good live music and countless world hits, together with information, video and dancers although not really a musical but a great evening!
– To all Bee Gees fans: this is it!

The bandmembers of the Italian Bee Gees

In the tourbus
22-01-13 Regensburg
Audience reviews:
-The music is fantastic and everything 100% live. The Italian Brothers are very sympathetic and good singers. Lot’s of respect for this tribute to The Bee Gees.
– Very good show, some times some technical problems with sound which was a pity for the first few rows. The tributes to the 3 Gibb brothers who had passed away was very moving.
– we also liked the pizza snacks in the break of the show!
24-01-13, Ingolstadt
Audience reviews
-We were in Ingolstadt and enjoyed a wonderful show. Very good and kind artists on stage and a really good band too.
– Great show although we don’t know why it’s called ‘musical’
25-01-13, Limburg a/d Lahn
Around 10 o’clock: Blue in between performances:
Full house and great audience, this is so good! Have to change now for my next set…Limburg here I come again!!!…
Blue about last night:
Feel so sorry for our road crew the tailgate jammed last night and they couldn’t load the gear into the truck. No sleep and they are doing a great job tonight in Limburg but still up against problems a fuse in the hall blew and we didn’t have any lights for my entrance on stage. Hope they get fed and sleep tonight. Thank you guys…
26-01-13, Reutlingen
Blue Weaver
10 gigs done. Audience again amazing but so are the brothers, band, ladies and dancer. I am having so much fun only problem is now have only 84 keys on my piano…
Gaudio Antonio (drummer)
Great show in Reutlingen and now listening Jeremy Camp in a bus my mind Go in another place … The Music is life!!!
Südwest Presse
Short translation
The disco fever is back
The audience were clapping, singing and having a party in the Reutlinger Stadthalle. The concert of The Italian Bee Gees was a trip down memory lane, a fresh and alternately tribute show. The Gibb Brothers have been amongst the most popular and best bands in the world with their countless super hits and the way they performed in perfect harmony since being very young kids. And here are these 3 Italian Egiziano Brothers (yes, also brothers!) who now walk in the footsteps of the most famous family band in the world. So many fans asked themselves last Saturday in the Stadthalle: will this be working? And then the surprise came: ‘The Bee Gees Story – Massachusetts’, it worked perfectly. That’s mainly because of two facts. First of all the music. From the very early Bee Gees hits until the ones from the latest albums, all are performed perfectly and with great passion. And secondly this production is a success because of the varied programme and the joy and passion the Egiziano brothers as well as their 4 band members and 2 backing vocals bring into their performance. There are quite some special moments during the show and one of them is the performance of Blue Weaver, the original keyboard player of The Bee Gees from 1975 until 1982. He plays with the Italian Bee Gees on some of the songs and tells anecdotes of the times he worked with The Bee Gees. Another special moment is the unplugged medley of the Egiziano brothers and the dance performance of a Reutlinger dance group. On a big screen you can see old photos, and videos which gives you the feeling you’re travelling through time with a Bee Gees time machine. A really good cover band with a great sound, besides the first few songs. Good voices and also in for a joke.
27-01-13, Nurnberg
Lots of technical problems in Nürnberg last night, no video and back projection but that didn’t seem to matter to the audience as the reaction was just as great as all the other concerts. Proves that it’s the quality of the music, musicians, singers and dancers that really matters.
Thank you Nürnberg…
Audience reviews:
– There were some problems with the sound and the projection on the big screen didn’t work. However the group gave a very good show!
31-01-13, Dessau
Davide Egiziano (member Italian Bee Gees):
Great “sold-out night” in Dessau, thank YOU all ! Ready for show 15/53 in Wolfsburg. The Bee Gees Story goes on… …nel “Blue” dipinto di “Blue” !!! 😉
Letizia Mongelli (backing vocalist):
Bellissima serata oggi a Dessau. Pubblico caloroso e bella atmosfera sul palco … Poi cena in un grazioso locale e birra scura.
Beautiful evening today at Dessau. The public warm and nice atmosphere on stage … Then dinner at a lovely bar and dark beer.
Laura Ugolini (backing vocalist):
Dessau…splendida serata…. Grazie Germania!!!!!
Dessau … wonderful evening …. Thanks Germany!!!!!

01-02-13, Wolfsburg
Antonio Gaudio (drummer)
Great show in Wolfsburg !!
Danilo Chiarella (bass guitarist)
Bellissimo concerto stasera a Wolfsburg!!!Grazie
Beautiful concert tonight in Wolfsburg!!!Thank you
Letizia Mongelli (backing vocalist)
Oggi a Wolfsburg tanti italiani tra i ballerini e il pubblico . Ecco come sentirsi a casa in un momento…. Nostalgia ?!!!
Today in Wolfsburg Italians between the dancers and the audience. Here’s how to feel at home at a time …. Nostalgia?!!!
Laura Ugolini (backing vocalist)
Ancora 2 concerti e questa prima fase del tour si chiude …..Grazie Wolfsburg!
Still 2 gigs and the first phase of the tour closes …..Thanks Wolfsburg!
02-02-13, Kassel
Today in Kassel – Germany,
Bee Gees fan meeting with The Italian Bee Gees and Blue Weaver as special guests. In the evening the fans of course visited the Massachusetts show in Kassel.
Davide Egiziano (Italian Bee Gees)
Show 16/53 is gone, deep emotion in Kassel tonight, great audience. 1.000 times “Thank you”, one for each one of you !!

May 28. 2022
Massachusetts on tour, 2022. Part 2
Like earlier mentioned the concert in Norderstedt had to be postponed to next year. Due to a flooding, the venue couldn’t be used. The team had some extra time in Berlin before the concert there took place on May 18.
Like every year the Tempodrome in Berlin was again a place to gather and to enjoy the Bee Gees music. video clip:
Followed by the concerts in Potsdam and the last one of this small 2022 tour in Halle.
The Potsdam concert was kind of special as it was here where the Italian Bee Gees ten years ago started their yearly touring through Germany!!
Pasquale asked Anja Wange to come on stage in Potsdam and to film them there:
The last show was in Halle. Here some photos made by fan: Volker VondemBach
Later this year there will be more Italian bee gees concerts again, I will keep you posted.
04-02-13, Italy
Davide Egiziano:
Back home and already working and thinking to re-start !!
06-02-13, Italy
Italian Bee Gees: (Walter, Davide and Pasquale Egiziano)
A great first part of the German Tour is done. 5 rehearsal days, 17 concerts in 19 days. Thanks to all the technical staff for the wonderful job, thanks to all musicians, dancers, actor, Tour manager and to all the people who are working on the Show. Thanks to “Magic” Blue Weaver, and to every one who came to see the Show. Thanks, ever, to Barry, Robin, Maurice and Andy Gibb…it’s for you. “Massachusetts, the Bee Gees Story” will restart on February 22th, see you there !!! 😉
End of first part of Massachusetts Tour
Change in tour schedule:
March 7th. 2013 / 19.30 / Mainz: Phönix Halle = Cancelled
New date: April 3rd. 2014.