This report shows you some photos, reviews, clips, comments etc. of Massachusetts,
Time to start the last part of this 2015 tour inwhich the team also travelled to Austria to give a number of shows.
Some more photos, reviews, clips, comments etc.
This third part of the tour the show visited the following cities: JENA, NÜRNBERG, ROSENHEIM, BREGENZ, INNSBRUCK, WIEN, GRAZ, LINZ, SALZBURG (all in Austria) MÜNCHEN, HOF, BAMBERG, INGOLSTADT, MANNHEIM, SAARBRÜCKEN
April 15th. Jena, Sparkassen Arena
April 16th. Nurnberg: Meistersingerhalle
Photo report Nurnberg © A. and D. Wange (5 images)
Everyone ready for the 3rd. part of the tour.
To Austria
April 18th. Bregenz, Festspiel- und Kongresshaus (Austria)
Fan reviews
Toll Toll Toll. mein zweites und nicht mein letztes Mal. Bitte kommt wieder. Es war wieder ein unvergesslicher Abend.
Great great great. My second and not my last time. Please come back. Again, it was a memorable evening.
Neugierig waren wir auf diesen Abend und auf das Musical und wir sind nicht enttäuscht worden. Die Umsetzung der Musik war richtig gut. Ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis war der Keyborder, ein Vollprofi, der mit den Original Bee Gees auf Tour war. Wir können die Veranstaltung nur weiterempfehlen, ein wunderschöner Abend.
We were curious about this evening and about this musical and we are not disappointed. The implementation of the music was really good. A very special experience was the keyboardist, a complete professional who was with the original Bee Gees on tour. We can only recommend the event, a beautiful evening.
April 22nd. Vienna: Stadhalle (Austria)
Review Bee Gees Streifzug mit Massachusetts
The band in Salzburg, Austria.
April 23rd. Graz: Helmut List-Halle (Austria)
Danke für die geniale Show gestern in Graz! Es war sehr berührend und stimmlich einfach perfekt! Grazie!!!
Thank you for the awesome show last night in Graz! It was very touching and vocally just perfect! Grazie!
April 24th. Linz: Brucknerhaus / Grosser Saal (Austria)
War in Linz bei den “Italian Bee Gees”. Eine fantastische Show!!!!!!!!
Hoffe, sie kommen nächstes Jahr wieder.
I Was in Linz with the “Italian Bee Gees”. A fantastic show! Hope they come back next year.
Bravi ragazzi, non mi avete fatto dormire tutta la notte, avevo sempre la musica in testa.
April 25th. Salzburg: Europa Saal (Congress) (Austria)
Fan reviews
Klasse! Hoffentlich kommt ihr nächstes Jahr wieder
Great, Hopefully you come back next year
Wir liebten die Salzburg show. Es war erstaunlich. Schön Sie alle zu treffen.
We loved the Salzburg show. It was amazing. Lovely to meet you all.
Es freut mich, es ist schön Euch zu hören
I am pleased, it’s nice to listen to you
Back to Germany
April 26th. Munchen: Circus Krone
Interview Blue Weaver
Die italienischen BeeGees waren hervorragend und es wundert mich sehr, das sie nicht schon bekannter sind.
The Italian BeeGees were excellent and it amazes me a lot, that they are not yet much better known.
Im ersten teil zuviel text zu wenig musik ansonsten einfach nur geil.
In the first part too much text to little music further more simply great.
Toller Abend mit gelungener Mischung aus Originaleinspielungen und perfekter Livemusik. Sehr unterhaltsame Moderation unterstützt durch Tanzeinlagen und ein stets präsentes Publikum, dass mindestens die Hälfte der Zeit stehend oder tanzend. Die Organisation im Cirkus Krone war, wie immer, professionell.
Great evening with successful blend of original clips and perfect live music. Very entertaining presentation supported by dance routines and an always present audience, that at least half of the time was standing or dancing. The organization in Circus Krone was, as always, very professional.
Photo report Munchen © A. and D. Wange (5 images)
April 28th. Hof: Freiheitshalle
Hello Bamberg
Newspaper article
The Tech' crew of Massachusetts, copyright Frank Wald.
Blue and Pasquale
May 3rd. Saarbrucken: Saarlandhalle
Marion: Today we visited the very last show of the tour and everything was different. After sound check we all came together in the hall to watch a great slide show of the tour as well as a special video of the tour made by Bjorn (Robert Stigwood). This was hilarious!! I thanked the whole team on behalf of Gerard, myself and our German friends, for doing all these wonderful shows and gave them all a small cake, hugs and kisses and more hugs….. It was great to have some extra time together with all our Massachusetts friends although this last day everything was on tight schedule too.. That night the show was very special with all kinds of funny jokes, hilarious quotes, the ‘falling down on stage’ of Massachusetts Handy Man Jo, which almost broke Blue’s award and which really scared us to death for a moment including Blue. Everyone on stage was dressed in eachothers clothes etc. and at the end of the show we gave a rose to everyone. Laughs, tears, emotions…. and the night following…… was short!
Ich war schon zum zweiten Mal dort und werde auch ein drittes Mal hingehen! Ist immer wieder ein tolles Ereignis, mit tollen Künstlern, die kaum vom Original zu unterscheiden sind.
I was already visiting for the second time and will go even a third time! It’s always a great event with great artists who are very close to the original.
Die Sänger waren absolut top, und toller live Band. Man kann einem nur empfehlen, sich diese Künstler anzuschauen. Super Stimmung.
The singers were absolutely top. the live band great! We can only recommend to visit this show and artists. Great atmosphere.
Photo report Saarbrucken © A. and D. Wange (9 images)
Comment by dancer Patrick Dudek
May 3rd.
Es ist geschafft!!! Ich habe ingesamt 45 Shows mit dem BeeGees Tribute Massachusetts – Das BEE GEES Musical in ganz Deutschland und Österreich absolivert. Es war eine besondere Zeit! Nun geht es aber auch gleich weiter mit vielen weiteren spannenden Projekten. Ich halte Euch auf dem Laufenden…!
Euer Pat
It’s done!
I have done a total of 45 shows with the BeeGees tribute Massachusetts – the BEE GEES musical in whole Germany and Austria. It was a special time! Now it right away continues with many other exciting projects. I’ll keep you informed…!
Your Pat
May 5th.
comment of Laura Ugolini – IBG.
Finito il tour Massachusetts 2015.. grande lavoro, grande fatica ma grandi emozioni. Come ogni anno…I will remember Massachusetts.
A presto
The 2015 Massachusetts Tour is finished ….. great work, great effort but great emotions. As every year … I will remember Massachusetts.
See you soon
Reset Production:
May 7th.
49 fantastische Shows in 71 unvergesslichen Tagen. 5.264 Flaschen durststillendes Wasser. 1.562 Hotelzimmer. 11.000 Kilometer auf Deutschlands und österreichs Straßen: Das war “Massachusetts – Das BEE GEES Musical” 2015! Wir sagen DANKE an Zehntausende Besucher, die uns eine wundervolle und unvergessliche Zeit geschenkt haben. Versprochen – wir sehen uns in 2016!
49 fantastic shows in 71 memorable days. 5.264 bottles of thirst-quenching water. 1.562 hotel rooms. 11.000 kilometers on German and Austrian roads: That was “Massachusetts – The BEE GEES Musical” in 2015! We say THANK YOU to ten thousands visitors, who gave us a wonderful and unforgettable time. Promise – we’ll see you in 2016!
Thanks dear Walter, Davide and Pasquale.
We loved to have had the opportunity to spend some great time with you, your band and singers in Massachusetts again this year!! We appreciate this very much!!
Thanks to everyone in the team
Thanks to Matze and Frank for their assistance
Thanks to our friends Anja and Detlef for giving us a lasting memory of this tour again: we love your photos and videos !.
Thanks for all the friendships and….. until soon.
Marion and family xxx